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Delivering Exceptional Customer service

Everyone wants to receive exceptional customer service, but are you delivering exceptional customer service?

This week I spoke to 30-40 physical therapists about this topic.  Customer service is a topic I get excited about because it directly affects the productivity and profits of any business.

I have been in many businesses that don’t have a clue of what is good customer service.  On the contrary, there are other businesses that just naturally get it.

Do you know what exceptional customer service looks and feels like?

The Temkin Group sets out to discover those businesses with the best customer service annually through their Temkin Customer Service Ratings.  You may be able to guess a few businesses on the list, but check it out to see if your guesses are right.

You may not find the business you work for on the list aforementioned, but that shouldn’t stop you from delivering the best customer service possible in your profession.

During my talk, I discussed a phenomenal book called FISH!  I would strongly recommend it if you are trying to improve your customer service.  It is a good read.

FISH! Is a fictional story based on an actual fish market, the Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, Washington.  The FISH! story speaks to the heart of what we do everyday.

The main character Mary Jane Ramirez has been promoted to a mid-level manager at First Guarantee Financial where she has been assigned a team known as a “toxic energy dump.”  This team is bored, demotivated, and irrelevant when it comes to meeting customer’s needs.

Have you worked for or experienced businesses like this?

These businesses suck all positive energy out of its employees, and customers.

During lunch one day, Mary Jane visits a fish market, which has a lively and positive atmosphere.  She notices the energetic engagement of the customers with the workers.  She decides that her team needs this energy.  So Mary Jane sets out to transform her “toxic energy dump” atmosphere into a “playful productive” environment by talking to a man named Lonnie, a fisherman adviser.

They discussed four principles that will help you with delivering exceptional customer service.

1. Choose your attitude.  Attitude is everything.  Before we can deliver exceptional customer service, we must know who we are.  It was Hannah Whitall Smith that said, “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.”  So how’s your attitude?  Just remember, we are in the driver’s seat when it comes to choosing what type of attitude we are going to have.

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude…nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

2. Play.  You can be serious about your work, but you have to find a way to play.  Playing is described as having fun.  There are many people and businesses daily grinding through workdays without having fun.  Get to know your supervisors, colleagues, and customers.  Develop a bond and your work will be more satisfying.

3. Be present.  Have you ever been somewhere, but actually in your mind you were somewhere else?  Don’t miss out on the “here and now.”  Stay focused on your job responsibilities and relationships you are building by being alert and paying close attention to those you are serving.

4. Make their day.  How do make a customer’s day?  It’s quite easy, CHOOSE to make your customers day.  Meet their needs.  Do something special for your customers.  I will leave you with two quotes.  The first is,

“Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that say, ‘Make me feel important.’” ~ Mary Kay Ash

One of my favorite motivational speakers is Zig Ziglar.  He said,

 “You never know when one kind act, or one word of encouragement can change a life forever.”

Question: How can you make these principles work in you life?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,

Bryant Hall

MTN Universal, LLC

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