Leading with Patience
We live in a fast-paced, “I gotta have it now” world. As leaders, sometimes we just need to be patient and slow down.
Did You Know? The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports the ratio of fast food restaurants to grocery stores is 5:1. I will let you draw your own conclusions, but I believe we as Americans have been conditioned to want things now rather than later.I don’t know about you, but there is an expectation of instant gratification with just about all service these days. I am definitely guilty. But, we must find a way to tame any unrealistic expectation and be patient.
If you have read any of my blog postings, you know I am a firm believer that everyone is a leader whether they want to be or not because someone is always watching you. So, as a leader be patient.
So, let’s look at 4 advantages of being patient.
4 Advantages of Being Patient
1. Reduces Stress
2. Decisions Become More Rational
2. Appreciation for the Growth Process
3. Understanding and Compassion for Others
Remember, good leaders understand the importance of patience.
Action: Your next big decision…
1. Slow down
2. Delay gratification or immediate action
3. Think about your options an consequences
Question: In what area of your life do you need the greatest amount of patience? (Please leave a comment below.)
Bryant MTN Universal Be the wEiRd this world needs!
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