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Make the Most of Your Day

Life stops for no one.  Whether we enjoy life or not, it will still go on without us.

Life has a way being a great teacher.  The lesson usually comes when you least expect it and usually in an unconventional way.

One of the many ways life has decided to share lessons with me is through parenting.  I have three spirit-filled boys who have greatly blessed me ever since their arrival to the Earth.

Frequently, my wife and I have to remind our boys of this phrase - “Don’t rush life.”  Like us all, they get excited about future fun events.  These words are simple enough, but isn’t as easy as it sounds.

When the weekend has come to an end and it’s Monday all over again, it can be hard to remember the phrase - “Don’t rush life.”

I have been guilty of this many times.  It’s no secret that we as humans look forward to weekends, holidays, vacations, new job opportunities, or any other special dates.

But why only enjoy these days?

Make the most of every day.

How to Make the Most of Your Day


1. Live in the Moment.  Carpe Diem.  Carpe Diem is a Latin aphorism, commonly translated “seize the day.”  Don’t worry about the past or look to the future, enjoy the blessing of today.

2. Learn from the Tough Days.  Everyday you have the privilege to live is a good day.  However, some days will be better than others.  Discover what made the tough days difficult.  Once we figure out what made our tough days a challenge, then we will have an opportunity to change our tough day into better days.

3. Love Your Calling.  Each of us has been gifted with a specific calling.  Do you know your calling?  Once we understand our calling, it allows us to capitalize on the various opportunities to make our day the very best it can be.

Don’t rush life and make the most of every day.


Question: How do you make the most of your days?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
Bryant Hall
MTN Universal, LLC
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