MTN Universal

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Why Leaders Should Actively Listen

Life is a fascinating journey full of unpredictable situations.  Some situations are favorable and others are unfortunate.

Unlike movies, award shows, and videos, there aren’t any cue cards for our words or actions.  Although I think life would be quite boring if we lived by cue cards.

We may not take cues from a card, but as leaders we should take cues from our clients / customers and even the colleagues we work with.

Everyone is looking for success and an advantage in life.  One way we can get ahead in life is by listening.  Many things will become evident when a person is a good listener.

Many people believe that conversations begin with talking, but actually conversations start with body language and a person’s ability to listen.

It can be hard at times when we are rushed or busy, but we must discover ways of actively listening.  Active listening will help you in four ways.

1. Enhances your knowledge.  Great listening leads to better reception, which increases an individual’s competence and capability.

2. Extends trust and respect.  Active listening demonstrates you care and value a person’s words, which will lead a person putting more confidence because of your ability to connect.

3. Escalates successful conversation.  Good listening teaches others to be better listeners, which makes all your conversations more successful.

4. Encourages effective problem solving.  Great listening will help with improving attentiveness and resolution of any problem.

Active listening will help your success as a leader.

“Better listening improves your service and will further elevate your success.”

Question: How can you improve your active listening?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,

Bryant Hall

MTN Universal, LLC

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