Everyone is a leader of something, but the question is how are you leading?

My family and I watched an interesting play a few days ago, which sparked some thoughts for today’s blog. Everyday we play a role in this big production called life. We are not acting, but we are just carrying out our daily responsibilities.

What are your daily responsibilities?

As leaders, we wear many hats. And our followers understand what they feel and see. So you are aware of

If you were able to name your daily responsibilities that is great, but how are you getting the job done?

Today, I would like to share a few ways leaders decide to lead their followers. You may be familiar with a few of these strategies to lead. Some are great and others are poor ways to lead.

1. The Encourager. These leaders lead with the intent of motivating and inspiring others with a positive push. They know negative is always present, but will focus on the positive rather than the negative. George Adams said,

“Encouragement is oxygen to the soul.”

If you do not lead with encouragement, you will think it hard to believe that encouragement is powerful way to lead. When you take a look at the top businesses and organizations, many of these groups exceptional because they are great at using encouragement to lead.

2. The Accuser. There are some leaders who lead, but do not take accountability for their actions. These leaders are quick to point the finger and blame others for failures. If this is the way you lead or if you are working with someone who leads with this strategy, you will find these leaders to be morale killers.

3. The Teacher. We will be learning until the day we die, so it is great to be or to have a leader who is a teacher. Nelson Mandela said,

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

One of the most important things a leader can do for his or her followers is teach them. When we are able to give knowledge and understanding to others, it helps growth and positive change.

4. The Judger. Leaders should be careful to judge because we all had to start someone. Leaders concerned with judging others usually forget to evaluate their own actions. I like what Michael J. Fox said,

“The least amount judging we can do, the better off we are.”

As leaders, we have to be careful of judging. We have to be able to see the good in others in order to take them to their next level of achievement.

5. The Doer. Leaders who are not afraid to lead by example are doers. They don’t wait for others to make tough decisions for them. More than just talking, doers are about action.

6. The Micromanager. Micromanagement works when a leader has people who need close observation or help, but even then micromanagement can be a headache to the leader and followers. I have never met a micromanager that admitted to being a micromanager.

A micromanager make sure the project is done and is done right. These leaders try to do everything themselves, which leads to followers feeling dispensable and worthless. Micromanagement of skilled and competent people leads to tensed, frustrated filled organizations. Why?

When micromanagers fail, they blame others and try to control their followers even more. When micromanagers are successful, they don’t mind taking credit and fail to give credit to their team.

We all wear many hats when it comes to leadership. How do you lead? You may lead with several of the strategies aforementioned. There are other strategies when it comes to leading. Whatever leadership hat or hats you decide to wear, choose carefully and be sure you are leading with sensitivity. What we say and do as leaders has a huge impact on our followers, ourselves, and the world, so make sure you are leading the right way.

Peace and Prosperity,

Bryant Hall

MTN Universal, LLC

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