Rebooting Your Hard Drive


Most of us live busy lives.  We are busier than ever and often chaos is part of our everyday routine.  Our problems pressure us from every side and it sometimes feels that we are on the verge of breaking.

Believe you me, I understand with 3 boys.  Since I have been a father, I’ve watched time grow wings.  Everyday seems to be a blink, but my schedule seems to stay just as busy with various responsibilities.

Many devices such as computers and smart phones are great personal assistants with our hectic schedules, but what happens when we are still overwhelmed with our challenges?  What happens when we begin to struggle physically and mentally?  What happens if we crash?

"Don’t watch your life spiral out of control; reboot your life."


Technology has changed our lives forever, especially with the advancements of computers.  Computers are electronic devices that manage information by the way it stores, receives, and process data.  Even with great advancements with computers, there are still situations that can cause these devices to crash.

I know we are very different than computers, but we do have some commonalities.  We as humans are also good at storing, receiving, and processing information.  But even with our ability to receive and transmit information, our mental and physical hard drives may fail at times.

So here are two tips to keep you from starving your dreams or breaking down.

Tip #1 - Close Down Other Programs


How many programs do you have open in your life?

If you own a computer, you understand what happens when you have too many programs open on your computer.  The same applies to our lives.  Sometimes we take on so many unnecessary obligations that cause our physical and mental hard drives to start having problems.

Computers tend to slow down when you have too many windows open.  Just as computer, we slow down our very own lives and dreams when we are involved with too many unnecessary activities in life.  Start closing down those programs that are unnecessary and only leave open those programs that are necessary.

Tip #2 - Shut Down All Operations


Rarely do I have problems with my home computers, but one of the organizations I work for uses a computer system that requires more IT support.  I have had my fair share of computer issues in the past.  It’s fascinating how many times this actually works.  I usually forget about this when it comes to improving my work computer’s function, but it usually works every time.

When we are being pressed from all sides, sometimes all we need to do is turn everything off and turn everything back on.  There are many ways to turn off and turn your life back on.  One way is the start of a new year.  Another way is taking a vacation or a break from those things that are robbing our lives of the necessary happiness that we so desperately need.

I don’t know the challenges you are facing in your life, but we are all dealing with something that requires us to reboot our hard drives every once in a while.  So don’t hesitate closing down those things that are unnecessary in your life.  If you are still having difficulties, simply shut down all operations.

With both of these tips, we are just trying to clean up our lives.  One of the reasons why life is hard for so many people is because they have too much going on.  Limit the distractions in your life and only commit to those things that deserve your attention.  Whether it is closing down some unnecessary areas of your life or turning everything off and on, discover how to reboot your physical and mental hard drive.


Question: What are some unnecessary obligations in your life require application of one of the two tips?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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Pay It Forward


It’s fascinating what can happen when we help others.  I came across this video and it moved my spirit.  I know you will be forever changed by it as well.


Sometimes we believe it takes big deeds of love or kindness to change our world, but it’s actually the little things we consistently do daily.  One of the biggest ways to make our world a better place is to help someone else.

“Giving a little consistently makes a BIG difference.”


It’s all about GIVING!  No matter how big the gift or action, the key is to consistently give.  When we all consistently give a little, no one has to give big.  It works in all aspects of our lives.  When we give, it naturally comes back to us.  Don’t wait any longer.



When we are paying it forward our last worry should be receiving anything from it.  Our primary focus when paying it forward should be having sincere concern to help someone else.

Everyone is in need of something.  If we are there during their time of need, the question is will we attempt to meet the need?

Please take some time to help someone else.  Just remember, you never know when you will be in need.  There are 3 reasons to pay forward:

1. To Glorify God

2. To Help Others

3. To Help Ourselves

The more we help others will cause us to develop a heart of compassion and sincerity for mankind.  This pushes us to be better people.  Therefore, we in turn make our world a better place.  You may be asking the question, “How do I pay it forward?”

Here are a few ways to consistently pay it forward daily:

- Smile and say Good Morning to someone,

- Introduce yourself and someone uneasy feel appreciated,

- Pray with someone in need of comfort,

- Help a homeless person with a dollar,

- Hold the door open for the person behind you,

- Donate your old clothes to some in need,

- Tell your waiter/waitress how great they were, if they served you well,

- Donate blood (One pint can save up to three lives),

- Listen to someone else’s problems without interrupting,

- Volunteer with various organizations (churches) needing help,

- Share your umbrella with a stranger on a rainy day,

- Pick up something dropped by a stranger,

- Pay for someone else’s meal or coffee,

- Check on someone who looks lonely,

- Read to your child or any child,

- Babysit for couples that are unable to spend alone time otherwise,

- Buy diapers, wipes, or baby toys for a family in need,

- Pick up trash off ground to save our earth,

- Stand up for someone who will not stand up for his or herself,

- Teach someone a skill,

- Save a stray cat or dog, or

- Compliment someone who deserves it.


Question: There are many other ways to pay it forward, so what are some other ways that we can help others?  Please share one way to make our world a better place.  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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Raised on a Crease


You are probably wondering where I’m going with our topic for today.  I think you will find today’s topic quite interesting.

As a child, I always just wanted to throw on my clothes and go, but it never worked that way.  Any time I would go out in public my father and mother would say, “You are going to look presentable when you are out in public.”

When I was a younger, I would always wonder why my parents would iron everything.  They would iron jeans, t-shirts, polo’s, and of course any formal clothing.  Well they would iron just about everything, excluding under garments.

Ironing is a lost skill these days.  I see more people these days that could care less about ironing, and others who hate it. There are a few people who love  to iron, but for the most part many people think its a chore.  I think it depends on the situation.  I don’t believe everything needs ironing, but there are two important life lessons I learned from ironing.

Life Lesson #1 - Appearance is everything.


We have always heard,

“First impression is sometimes the only impression.”


I have interviewed people for medical professional positions who looked like they just stepped out of bed because they had wrinkles in every piece of their clothing.  What would you do if you were hiring someone for a professional position, but they came with wrinkles in every piece of clothing from head to toe?  I think it would be a quick interview.

Everyday we step out our door we are selling something.  Do you know what you are selling?  Then you have to ask yourself, “Who is buying what I’m selling?”

Whether you think you are selling or not?  You are, because someone is always looking at you.  You may not care if someone is looking at you, but you always want to put your best foot forward.  First impression is sometimes the last impression because we never know if we will have another opportunity.

Life Lesson #2 - Discipline will get you to the next level.


Just like anything else in life, ironing takes patience and time.  In other words, there aren’t any short cuts when it comes to ironing.  Ironing forces you to do it the right way.  Otherwise, it will be noticeable by the wrinkles in your clothes.

Life is no different.

“There are no short cuts in life.”  


Taking short cuts will leave you void of achieving your life goals.  We need discipline to move to our next level in life.

You don’t have to be raised on crease like I was, but understand that the process of ironing teaches us two important life lessons.


Question: What are some other activities and life lessons you learned as child?  Leave your comments below.


Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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Getting Up After Being Knocked Down


Have you ever failed miserably at something?  Have you ever made a mistake that you thought was inexcusable?  Have you ever failed a test you knew you should have passed?  Have you ever lost anyone or anything that you loved dearly?

What do we do when we receive these knockout blows?

It will not be easy dealing with any situation that will knock us down, but here are 3 steps that will help you next time you are knocked down.

1.  Survey Your Surroundings


When we are knocked down, most of the time we immediately choose one of two options. We either stay down or get up.  I hope you wouldn’t stay down, but that you would get back up.

Before getting up, take a little time to survey your surrounding.  Key word, LITTLE!  Sometimes we spend too much time down, which in turn affects our perspective towards others and ourselves.

“Don’t stay down too long when knocked down because life goes on.”


We don’t want to get in a habit of staying down too long because then we will start internalizing a negative attitude.  It’s usually too late before realize we have been down too long.  Everyone from our family members, friends, co-workers, church members, to even our dogs or cats will feel our negative spirits from being down too long.  So only spend a little time surveying your surroundings.  Why?

We survey our surroundings to keep the same thing from happening again.  When we are knocked down, we should learn from the situation.  It may not necessarily be a mistake, nonetheless we should still learn from the experience.

“Humans are the most unique life form on our planet.”


We are the only species possessing the unique power to change at will.  We can change homes, cars, jobs, careers, cities, states, countries, thoughts, dreams, etc.

Look at the situation that knocked you down and figure out what you can do to change the outcome next time.

2. Stand Up with a Strategy


Now, it’s time to stand with purpose.  It hurts me to see anyone knocked down only to stand up without a purpose.  Standing without purpose makes it easier for the next thing to knock us down.  Believe or not, there will always be something waiting to knock you down.  It’s part of life.  So develop a plan.

Stand up and determine the best way to stay up.  Put your plan together.  Don’t try to use someone else’s plan.  Frame your own plan and make it wok for your life.  I guess you have notice by now, but I’m BIG on making PLANS!

“Without plans we are just preparing ourselves for a knock out.”


Someone may be saying, “Plans don’t usually work.”  And I would agree with you.  However, you are better off having a plan than not having one at all.  You may need to modify your plan, but don’t find yourself without a plan.

I can recall many times when I thought I knew where I was going, but I was so grateful I had a map or a Global Positioning System (GPS).  Your life plan is your map.  It will give you direction and clarity during some of the chaotic times in your life.  Detail Your Life (click link).

“Plans keep your life on track.”


3. Stride with Confidence


It makes no sense for us to stand up, and then stand in one place.  Life is always changing and moving, so why not move with it.

This is one of the hardest steps for several reasons.  One primary reason why it can be hard to move forward with confidence is because being knocked down puts us in a position of defeat.  However, if we follow the first two steps, it will give us confidence with our last step.

“It’s easy to exude confidence when plans are made.”


So you have been knocked down.  Now look around and discover what knocked you down.  Don’t stay down too long.  Get up purpose and figure out your next move.  Then, move in that direction with confidence.


Question: How will these steps assist you the next time you are knocked down? Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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End Your Year with a Detailed December


It’s hard to believe that we are in the last month of 2014.  But it’s our reality.

Another reality is that we still have time to achieve any goals and dreams we have set for this year.  However, to end the year well, we must make this month a Detailed December.

I think it’s fascinating watching automotive detailers.  Automotive detailers go beyond the run of the mill vacuum and wash job.  They don’t leave one stone unturned when it comes to cleaning cars.  These professionals pay close attention to the tiny details to make our cars look spectacularly eye-catching.

Detail Your Life


Just as the automotive detailer, we ought to find ourselves detailing our lives the same way.  Detailing our lives means we thoroughly treat or clean the specifics of our lives.  For an example, let’s look at detailing being a better person.  The specifics may include the following:

1. Cleaning up your group of friends,

2. Changing the language you use,

3. Committing to positive influences (books, music, etc.).

Keep in mind a few things when detailing your life.  Everything may not need your full attention, but there are important areas of life we should detail more than others.  Those things that matter most include areas such as spiritual, family, personal, and professional development.  These things will require our full attention.  There also may be other areas of your life that are just as important, so the same care and awareness should be given to those areas too.

“Our attentiveness improves with better planning, prioritization, and purposeful living.”

We need to become life detailers.  Being a life detailer starts with self-evaluation.  Once we become good at detailing our own lives, it will lead to further opportunities to help others.

It’s Worth Your Time


When you first start detailing your life, it may take you investing more time than you expected.  I promise as you consistently detail the various areas of your life, you will become quicker at the detailing process.  Here’s the life detailing process:

1. Discover an area in need of detailing:

As we discussed earlier, everything doesn’t need detailing in your life.  You wouldn’t detail a car that was just detailed, so focus on areas in need of detailing.

2. Determine where you stand:

Before treating in area that may need detailing, figure out what is needed to improve the situation.  Once you figure out what’s needed, then you will be able to design a plan.

3. Execute your plan:

During this phase, we start focusing on the actual detailing of our situation.  We clean up those things that are stopping us from progressing forward in our lives.  One of my main goals in life is to keep moving forward and progressing to the next level.  No matter the time of the year, you can always take your life to another level.

Just remember, no one else will detail your life.  It’s our responsibility to detail our own lives.  In addition, avoid poor detailing.

“Poor detailing of your life will inevitably lead to a life of failing.”

It may be the end of the year, but it’s never too late to start detailing your life.  Do whatever is necessary to move your life in the right direction.  If you follow the detailing process, your life will look like that finished detailed car.  You will notice the improvements, but others will be able to recognize your life’s prosperity.


Question: What area of your life do you need to detail?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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Developing a Daily Thankfulness


We all get excited about many of our holidays because we are able to spend quality time with those we love and we usually share a delightful meal together.  However, after all of the festivities, What’s Left? (click link)

Along with the beautiful relationships nourished, I believe we should walk away from this Holiday with a greater sense of daily gratefulness.  We know Why We Should Give Thanks (click link), but now how can we develop a daily thankfulness?

Acknowledging The Less Obvious

Everyone knows that repetition is the key to being good at anything in life.  There is no difference when it comes to being thankful.  We need constant reminders daily to help with our thankfulness.

"We are truly thankful when we stop taking things for granted."

Most of us are thankful for those things within our lives such as your family, money, home, cars, job, etc.  These are visible blessing.

However, are you thankful for those things that are just as important, but less obvious?  For example, do you stop to give thanks for the air we breathe?  Are you thankful for our 5 senses?  How thankful are you for your heart and the blood it pumps?  Are thankful for your health?  How do you feel about waking up in the morning and being able to open your eyes?

I’m not perfect.  I will admit I take these things for granted at times, but we all must do a better job of remembering these less obvious gifts.  Why?

There is someone somewhere in need of a healthy heart or air to breathe.  So, stop taking these less obvious gifts for granted.

Challenge: Make a list of those things you are thankful for that some may consider less obvious.

Attaching Daily Reminders of Thankfulness

I believe it is a good thing to have daily encouragement to help me keep a thankful spirit.  So let me share a few of words that I remind myself of daily:

“Give THANKS to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.”  −1 Chronicles 16:34
“For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with THANKSGIVING, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.”  −1 Timothy 4:4-5
“Give THANKS in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  −1 Thessalonians 5:8
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the LORD Jesus, giving THANKS to God the Father through Him.”  -Colossians 3:17

What words do you use to help keep your heart thankful?  If you don’t have any words, what words would you use?  Please leave a comment below, send me a tweet on Twitter, or leave a comment on Facebook.



Why We Should Give Thanks


Are you thankful?  Why do we give thanks?  Why should we keep thanksgiving in our hearts?

We should be moved to give thanks on this wonderful holiday called Thanksgiving.  However, Thanksgiving alone should not engender a spirit of thanks.  Looking over our lives, I believe it will be quite easy to discover many reasons why we should have a spirit of thanks.

Question: Are you only thankful around the Thanksgiving holiday? 

A Lesson In Giving Thanks

Just a few years ago, I had a wonderful opportunity to meet some beautiful people in Honduras during a medical mission trip.  My Honduran friends taught me a lot about thanksgiving.  I was blown away by there amazing spirit of thanks.  Why?

They lived everyday with thanksgiving.

I’ve grown up in church.  Sunday after Sunday, I have heard many people give thanks.  I have heard many people say thank you after receiving a gift.  But sometimes I believe we our thankfulness can be disingenuous.

While in Honduras, our team would deliver a large bag of food that would feed a family for months.  I remember standing in the middle of some homes made of sticks and plastic bags.  But I also remember the sincerity of my Honduran friends thankfulness.  I can still see their warm smiles, child-like excitement, and surprised eyes filled with tears.  Likewise, I can still feel the bear hug embrace along with their heartfelt love.

I had encountered a deep thanksgiving that transcended our human imaginations.

It was supernatural!

After encountering these supernatural events surrounding these thankful spirits, I was left with a sense of amazement and self-assessment.  I found myself assessing whether I was truly thankful or not.  I needed to make sure I wasn’t just giving thanks with my mouth.  Instead of lip service, I want my life to be lived with sincere thanksgiving.

Question: Do you live everyday with thanksgiving?

Reasons To Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is primarily a holiday celebrated by the United States and Canada.  I am well aware of the history of Thanksgiving dating back to the early 1600’s.  But I believe this one holiday should be celebrated everyday internationally.  Why?

"Everyone has a reason to give thanks."

I am grateful for so many things.  I have had many negative and positive experiences that have turned into unique opportunities of growth for which I am truly grateful.  There are many reasons why I give thanks:

1. My God’s Unconditional Love

2. My Beautiful Wife

3. My Spirited Boys

4. My Supportive Family

5. My Dear Friends

6. Our Fast Growing Business Community

Question: Why are you thankful?  Please share some or your entire list of thanks.  Please leave a comment below, send me a tweet on Twitter, or leave a comment on Facebook.



4 Life-Changing Phrases You Should Be Comfortable Using


Words are powerful.  You have heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, but one word can conjure up a variety of emotions.  Psychologists vary in their research of how many emotions exist, but most agree that there are between 4-6 emotions.  However, it has been discovered that the human face is capable of creating 7,000 different facial expressions.

When we couple our emotions and facial expressions with these life-changing phrases that we will discuss today, we will always discover the ability to connect and move the hearts people.

Here are 4 Life-Changing Phrases You Should Be Comfortable Using:

1. “I Love You”


Love is a verb.  So before you use the words, I Love You, make sure that there is action behind your use of this phrase.  We use these 3 simple, but powerful words when we are moved with warmth, fondness, affection, tenderness, compassion, devotion, intimacy, care, and passion.

How many times are these words inappropriately used?  I think we would all agree that this phrase is inappropriately used on a frequent basis.  Don’t be that person.

Love makes you vulnerable because it requires you to open your heart.  However, don’t hesitate to use these words when they are needed.  It’s always worth the risk to open your heart for the sake of love.  Just remember, life is short.  Make sure you say I LOVE YOU to those who hold a special place in your heart.  You may not get another opportunity.  While you have the opportunity, let others know how much you care for them.

2. “Thank You”


Two of the most important words to show appreciation are THANK YOU.

We are beginning the week of Thanksgiving.  There’s always something to be thankful for and someone whom we should thank.  With that said, how many times are we telling those who we appreciate thank you?  How often do you let these two simple words part you lips even after the simplest gesture offered to you?

People around us feel more valued and special when we are able to show our gratification by saying thank you.  More can always be done such as giving gifts, sharing meals, etc.  Nonetheless, there’s nothing like showing verbal appreciation by saying thank you.

3. “NO”


All right, I know this is one word versus a phrase.  But sometimes you just have to say NO.

There are many reasons why you would say no.  You may already have a lot of task and responsibilities on your plate.  You may need to focus on improving your personal life.  You may have already committed to something or someone else.  You may be in the process of losing weight.  No matter the reason, it is a perfect time to say no when you understand your priorities.

Please don’t be rude with its use, but don’t be afraid to say no.  You cannot be everything to everyone.  Likewise, you cannot be everywhere at all times.  I am not telling you to pass up on great opportunities to grow your personal and professional life.  On the contrary, I am suggesting that you figure out what to say yes and no to through careful prioritization.

Saying no has many benefits because it can give your life balance.  And better balance will bring peace to your life.  Everything in life is about balance.

4. “I Apologize”


Last but certainly not least, apologizing is supposed to be a sign of remorse.  We must find the courage to say I Apologize when we are wrong.  It may feel like an impossible task, but it will give your life transparency and freedom.  We will need both of these.


Learn how to comfortably use these 4 phrases and watch the relationships in your life improve tremendously.


Which phrase are you comfortable using?  What phrase are you least comfortable with using?  (Please share your heart by leaving your thoughts / comments below.)


Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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Power Your Life


What happens when you feel tired, broken, overwhelmed, or stuck in a rut?  Where do you go?  What do you do?  Who do you go to?

There are many ways to receive inspiration.  But there are times when I just need a word of encouragement or divine inspiration from the LORD.  So I have decided to share 5 of the most dynamic scriptures that has helped to power my life.  And I hope it will power your life.

At some point in our lives, we will need to be powered by the words of our God.  I do not claim to be an expert in theology, but I understand what God has done for my life.  I do not claim to know the entire Bible, but I know it was written to help me.  I do not claim to be perfect, but I know my Savior is and died for my imperfection.

I have utilized many scriptures to bring me out of the low points of my life.  There are many scriptures that could replace any of the five scriptures I have posted.  These are not the most important scriptures in the Bible because “All scripture is inspired by God and useful…” −2 Timothy 3:16

These scriptures are not in any specific order, but here are the divine words of God that spoke to my heart during many of my challenges.

#1 The fear of the LORD is beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.  -Proverbs 1:7 NIV


#2 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.  -Romans 8:28 NIV


#3 I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.  -Philippians 4:13 NASB


#4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.  -James 1:2 NIV


#5 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.  -Philippians 1:6 NLT


There are so many scriptures that I could have posted.  I am grateful for these words of inspiration from God.  I hope you will take these divine words and incorporate them into your life.  Where would we be without God?  I don’t know, but with Him my life has POWER!


What scripture or scriptures have been instrumental in powering your life?   (Please share your heart by leaving your thoughts / comments below.)


Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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How to Kill the Giants in Your Life


I was speaking with a Twitter friend of mine from Malaysia yesterday.  We had an encouraging conservation about the awesomeness of God.  She shared with me a few prayer requests that were urgent in her life, which gave the inspiration for the blog today.

Facing Giants


Giants have been around for a long time since the B.C. years.  We have heard many Bible stories of giants such as Goliath, the Nephilim, Anakim, Og King of Bashan, and the giants of Egypt.  Furthermore, we have read many fairy tales and watched movies like Jack and the Beanstalk and Lord of the Rings.

In most cases, giants are depicted as monsters of human appearance with breathtaking size and exceptional strength.  Some stories have portrayed giants as friendly.

Are you facing any giants in your life?

We all have giants in our lives.  It may be that dream you are afraid to work on because of the enormous task of starting and nourishing it to make it a reality.  It may be a broken relationship that seems too far-gone to be salvaged.  It may be an out of control financial situation.  It could be an illness or health condition leaving us with many questions and vulnerabilities.  It very well may be a pit of hopelessness from losing a love one.

It may not be as complicated as the previously mentioned situations, but it is still a BIG deal because it an important milestone in your life.  It may be just waiting for a phone call to receive that first new job since being unemployed for several months or years.  It could be taking a test that depends on the direction of your career.

You may only have one giant in your life, but most of us have several giants we have to wake up and face.  Your giant may not be my giant, but there are two things all of our giants have in common which are their size and strength.  These situations mentioned above are all circumstances that can be enormous challenges and can control our lives if we give them power.

How to kill the giants in you life?


Have you ever felt something was impossible?  We all have been there at some point in our lives.

We are familiar with the Bible story of David and Goliath.  There are so many fascinating points we can take away from this story, but the most important point was David’s fearlessness.  When we are facing the giants in our lives, we need to refrain from crying, whining, and throwing ourselves pity parties.  After the pity party is over, the giants of our lives will still be present and ready to control us.

Everyday I wake up; I choose to take control of my life.  I refuse to give anyone or anything power over my life, unless it’s my Father in heaven that created me.

We listen to so many people who speak defeat and negativity into our lives, but sometimes God our Father never has a voice in our life.  We will need to listen to voice of God if we are going to kill the giants in our lives.  Before getting out of the bed in the morning, pray to God and make a promise to yourself that you will not give the giants in your life power to control you.

The situations discussed earlier in our blog are serious issues.  These things can easily throw us into a whirlwind of stress, depression, and confusion giving us a sense of defeat before we can even start to face our giants.  Consequently because of FEAR we find ourselves running, dodging, and avoiding the giants in our lives.  So how do we calm our fears and proceed to killing the giants in our lives?

3 Ways to Kill the Giants in Your Life


1. “All Things Possible” Attitude


With God, all things are possible.  So it takes an “All Things Possible” Attitude to kill the giants in our lives.  Everything in life starts with our attitude.  It we think the right way, we will do the right thing.  This “All Things Possible” Attitude needs to internalize before you meet the giants in your life.  Otherwise, you may never face your giants.

2. Awareness


David faced a challenge before even fighting the giant Goliath.  The king of Israel, Saul, attempted to give David his battle armor.  David could have taken Saul’s battle gear and lost the battle, but he was connected with his heavenly Father’s purpose for his life.  David was aware of his abilities.  He was aware that he knew nothing about the Saul’s weaponry.  So David took what he was familiar and skillful with, which was a slingshot.

While it is important to have the right attitude, we need great awareness.  Awareness to recognize the resources we need to defeat the giants in our lives.

In addition, we need awareness to recognition the giants in our lives.  We discussed many things that may be our giants in the Facing Giants section of our blog.  But sometimes the giant is within us, which we discussed in the Recognizing Your Blind Spot (click link).  Once we can identify our giants, half the battle is won because knowing is half the battle.

3. Assertiveness


Knowing may be half the battle, but doing is the half of the battle.  When need to be assertive if we are going to kill the giants in our lives.  It’s quite fascinating how David met Goliath in their battle.  In other words, he did not sit back and wait for Goliath to meet him.  He took the fight to Goliath.  Many times we are letting our giants bring the fight to us when we should be taking the fight to our giants.


Don’t be afraid to face your giants.  Just as David, be fearless about killing the giants in you life.  There is nothing you cannot do when you have the LORD on your side.


What giants need to be killed in your life?  (Please help someone else by sharing your thoughts / comments below.)

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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Recognizing Your Blind Spot


When it comes to driving and our vision, we have blind spots with both.  Some people may deny this fact, but the truth of the matter is we have blind spots even with great sight in both areas.

What is a blind spot?


A blind spot is an area around a vehicle that cannot be directly observed by the driver.  We also have blind spots in our eyes, just from the anatomical make-up of our eyes.  The way our retina and the optic nerve are positioned causes a blind spot in all of our eyes.

The Most Important Blind Spot 


There is another blind spot unbeknownst to many that has nothing to do with a vehicle or our eyes.  The most important blind spot we must recognize is OURSELVES! Reason being — we get in our own way sometimes.  Just as our vehicles and eyes have blind spots; our dreams, goals, and plans all have this one blind spot that can limit progress and any form of achievement.

Nothing or no one else in this life can stop our ability to achieve and move forward in life, but ourselves.  We get in our own way by our limited me, myself, and I thinking and approach.   We yield ourselves to being a blind spot to our success by shifting our focus for the path ahead to doubts and negativity.

Get Past Yourself


How do we reduce or even abolish the blind spot from our lives?  We have to get past ourselves.  We control the level of success we are able to obtain.  At the same time, we control our response, attitude, and lessons learned to any defeat we may experience along the way.

We have the choice to use the right signals to change the directions of our lives.   There must be a determined initiative to follow appropriate directions to move forward towards our dreams and goals.

Recognizing that we are the blind spot is the first step.  Putting the blind spot in its appropriate place is the second step that requires energy and effort, even if it means changing our direction to create a clear, open path.

Stop standing in your own way and conquer the impossible!


Are you aware of your blind spot and how you are standing in your own way?  (Please help someone else by sharing your thoughts / comments below.)


Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal
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Make Your Résumé Stand Out


When applying for the job, one of the easiest ways to make a great first impression is by your résumé.  Sometimes that may be your only way to make a great impression if there are a number of applicants.

So what can you do to make your résumé stand out?

What does a good résumé look like?  Is there a higher hire rate for those who have polished résumés?

What is the most important thing about creating a stand out résumé?


There are so many ways to design and layout your résumé, but you should focus on your content first and foremost.  Résumés are supposed to be a summary or a brief written account of a person.  Many people forget that their résumé should be a great summary of their journey throughout life.  It may be the only opportunity for someone get to know who you are out of hundreds or possibly thousands depending on where you applying.

One of the worst things we can do in life is assume.  Don’t ever assume.

Regarding résumés, don’t assume anything.  Spell out who you are, where you been, and where you are trying to go.  You need a résumé because it sells who you are.  You need to put some thought into creating a dynamic résumé that stands out starting with your content.

How should I design a stand out résumé?


There are millions of designs when it comes to résumés.  You just want to make sure that your résumé stands out.  You don’t have to put a bunch of pictures or draw stars and arrows on your résumé to make it stand out.  Matter fact, one of the best ways to make your résumé stand out is by keeping it simple.

Your résumé should be clean, neat, and easy to read.  One of the biggest pitfalls when creating a résumé is formatting.  Good formatting helps whoever is reading your résumé to keep reading it.  So, let’s look at an example résumé.

Example Résumé


Click Résumé Tips Picture To Enlarge

Photo Credit:

Don’t let your résumé find the pile of common, boring résumés.  Make sure your résumé is different.  Be creative, but be yourself and develop a stand out résumé.


What are challenges you face when developing your résumé? (Please help someone else by sharing your thoughts / comments below.)

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal
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3 Reasons to Have a Grateful Attitude


Attitude is EVERYTHING!

A big part of our attitude should be having a heart of gratitude.  I believe most of us have appreciative hearts, but sometimes we don’t acknowledge how, what, or why we are grateful.  Without a grateful heart, we will find ourselves being ungrateful.

How do you know if you are ungrateful?

There is a distinct difference when we compare a grateful attitude versus an ungrateful attitude.  So what’s the difference between a grateful and an ungrateful attitude?  Here are some words that would describe both attitudes:

Grateful Attitude








Ungrateful Attitude











A person may not demonstrate all of these descriptions with either attitude, but you will be able to see at least 2-3 of these descriptions with either attitude.

3 Reasons to have a grateful attitude

We have many reasons to have a grateful attitude, but there are three we just cannot overlook.

#1 You Have a Gift

It’s true.  You have been gifted with life.

Earlier this week, I received news of a good friend of mine passing.  Every time I encounter death of a friend or an unfamiliar,  it causes me to reflect on how good life is.

Every single day we are able to open our eyes, we should be over-joyed and grateful for being gifted with life.

What’s more important than living life?

When we understand the gift of life, we open it with enthusiasm, passion, and gratefulness.

#2 You Have a Choice

You always have a choice.

We weren’t created to function as robots.  Whether we make good or bad decisions, everyday we are decisive about certain things in our lives.  We should have a grateful attitude because of our ability to choose.

Ever since the beginning of time, God created us with free will.  Without doubt, we have fewer choices to make at a younger age due to parental guidance.  However, as adults we are forced to make choices of all kinds all day such as eating, dieting, working out, job performance, etc.  So believe or not, you always have a choice.  We know how important it is to make the right decisions, but my focus today is on celebrating our free will to choose.  It is certainly a reason to be grateful.

#3 You Have Distinction

I am so grateful that God made just one of me.  I am one of a kind.  Out of all the millions of people in our world, you won’t find another person like me.  And the same is true for you.

You are different!  You have a unique way of smiling, talking, walking, working, parenting, thinking, living, and loving.  You are unique and no one else will ever be able to possess your uniqueness.  Why?  Because you have distinction.  When we able to feel this this distinction, we live with a better sense of gratefulness.

We aren’t jealous of others.  Matter fact, we are happy when others are doing well because it becomes an inspiration to us.  Live with distinction and settle yourself in the ocean of gratefulness.

As stated previously, we have many reasons why we should have a grateful attitude.  Display your grateful attitude and watch your life become more purposeful.  Just remember, you will attract whatever you release into the lives of others.

What are some other reasons why we should have a grateful attitude?  Please leave a comment below, send me a tweet on Twitter, or leave a comment on Facebook.



10 Things We Should Let Go of…


One of the hardest things in life sometimes is to let go.  In one day, so many different things happen.  But in the midst of all the busyness, what should we hold on to and what things should we let go of?  And when should we let go?  More importantly, why should we let go?

I believe life gives us signs when we should let go of some things.  However, sometimes we find ourselves still hanging on to things that may hold us back when we simply need to let go.  But what things should we let go of?

#1    Let Go of What People Think

Don’t worry yourself with the good or bad that people may think because you will never be able to please everyone.  And those thoughts may just hold you back if you aren’t able to let go of them.

#2    Let Go of Perfection

No one can live to the standard of perfection.  We can strive for perfection, but we will never be perfect.  Expecting to be perfect can lead to many disappointments, which will derail your dreams, goals, and plans of success for your life.

#3    Let Go of Insufficiency

The complete opposite of being perfect is being inadequate and deficient.  We will never be perfect, but never should we settle for being insufficient.  Insufficiency can show itself in many ways, but it will inevitably lead to failure.   We never want to find ourselves lacking the right attitude, lacking the necessary tools, lacking belief, or lacking the proper resources.  So, why hang on to insufficiency?  Let go of insufficiency.

#4    Let Go of Numbing

When we become numb to injustice and wrongdoing of any kind, we then are faced with a big problem.  By no means should wrong ever replace right, bad ever replace good, or lies ever replacing the truth.   When any of this happens, we start to become numb and less sensitive to urgent matters.  Let go of numbing and more responsive to the urgent matters in your life.

#5    Let Go of Certainty

Life is and will always be unpredictable.  The only thing other than God we can be sure of in this life is uncertainty.  Therefore, let go of needing certainty in your life.  Always expect the unexpected.

#6    Let Go of Comparison

No matter the situation, we will never benefit from drawing comparisons.  No one will ever be you because God uniquely created you.  I don’t believe we were created to be someone else.  We have our own exceptional gifts and abilities.  Comparing ourselves to anyone else only diminishes our uniqueness.  Let go of comparison.

#7    Let Go of Anxiety

When we think of anxiety, we think about a person having anxiety or a panic attack.  But all of us face the challenge of being anxiety stricken.  Anxiety quietly slips into our lives when we are overwhelmed with fear.  It causes uneasiness of mind, which causes many other problems.  Our lives would be much better and much more stable without the presence of anxiety.  The challenge is the overwhelming responsibilities we have that cause us to feel fear and anxiety.  Whatever you may be afraid of, let it go.

#8    Let Go of Exhaustion

Have you ever felt so exhausted to the point that you were falling asleep anywhere or any time?  Many people in our world are suffering from exhaustion.  Whether it be sleep deprivation or being over worked from our current positions

#9    Let Go of Self-Doubt

You have to believe in yourself if you are gong to do anything special in life.  Let go of any self doubt such as you’re not pretty enough, you’re not slim enough, you’re under qualified, you’re over qualified, you’re not smart enough, you’re incapable, you’re incompetent, or you’re unskilled.  Many times the determining factor whether we move forward in life has everything to do with our self-talk.  Speak positive messages to yourself to avoid self-doubt.

#10  Let Go of Control

One of the biggest challenges with letting go is losing control.  As humans, we love being in control over our own lives.  We can best help our lives by letting go of the feel that we must control everything.


What things should you let go of to promote better a life for yourself? (Please help someone else by sharing your thoughts / comments below.)


Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal
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How to Deal with the Pressures of Life


You have been facing a deadline for a month.  Now, the deadline is one day away.  There is still quite a bit of work to be done to complete the project.  Your other team members are busy with other projects, so you are left trying to pull this project together on your own.

With good intentions, team and / or company wide emails are being sent out to get everyone excited about the project being completed.   However, anxiety begins to fill your heart no matter the intentions.  The clock is ticking and it seems as if the only way this project will be completed is with an individual effort on your part.  And you only have less than a day to do this.

This pressure situation is quite familiar.  You may face several of these situations in a day.  So where do we start in dealing with the pressure?

What is pressure?


Part of human life is dealing with pressure.  Pressure refers to the feeling of being pressed or compressed.  Pressure is part of being human.  The feeling of pressure is usually an urgent demand placed on the mind.  In most cases, we ourselves cause these pressure filled situations.

Many people discuss the negative side of pressure, but pressure doesn’t have to be all bad.  In fact, pressure can enhance, inspire, and motivate a better focus.

Where does pressure come from?


Pressure can come from a variety of sources.  We discussed the business aspect of pressure in our introduction.  It can have an internal or external origin.  Here some examples:

-Parent expectations

-Children expectations

-Work expectations

-Church expectations

-Friend's expectations

-Financial responsibilities

How to deal with the pressure?


Pressure only exists when we are concerned about the outcome.  The key to dealing with this pressure is being proactive.  Start planning and making goals as soon as possible to avoid the pressure building up on you.  Preparation usually kills procrastination.  Many times our pressure comes from being unprepared.  Take a look at this process of dealing with your pressure:

1. Recognize the pressure

2. Develop a plan

3. Make goals

4. Put your plan into action

5. Reassess you plan and goals

There will be some situations when you will be unable to spend a lot of time preparing because the situation will happen quickly and require a quick response.  In that case, you can still use the process previously mentioned.  You would just spend less time developing a plan, making goals, etc.  And your plan will be less detailed and you will have fewer goals.

Regardless of the situation, much of how you deal with pressure comes from your attitude.  You will respond so much better to the various pressures in your life if you are able to control your attitude or emotions towards the pressure.  Turn your pressures into motivation.


How do you deal with pressure? (Please help someone else by sharing your thoughts / comments below.)


Blessings of Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal
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3 Ways to Increase Your Value and Improve Your Life


Before you can help someone else you first need to know how to help yourself.


No one else will find time to improve you, but you.

How serious are you about improving yourself?  There are many ways to improve yourself, but what are the most important things you can do to improve you?

You will to increase you value if you are looking to move to the next level in your life.  I don’t know what your next level is, but I do know that we should always be moving up or forward in life.  How do we do this?  Increasing our value in life.

What is value?

We are looking purchase something of value whether we shopping for groceries or clothes.  We don’t walk in a store and just buy anything.  We shop for the item that has the greatest value to us.

Everyone in our world is shopping for something.  Are you on their list?  Are you valuable enough for them to take a chance on you?  It applies professionally and personally.  No one will take a chance on you if they don’t feel you will add value to their life or their organization.

So what is value?

Value is adding worth, raising the level importance, being beneficial, or making something more significant.  All the people in world that hold positions causing them to make 6 figures or more have made themselves valuable in their markets.

So today, let’s talk about 3 ways to increase your value and improve your life.

#1 Find Time


You must find time to improve you.  No excuse known to man is good enough to stop you from investing in yourself.

It’s important to set aside a little time daily to invest in yourself.  The question is, “What will you be doing during that time to invest in yourself?”  And the answer should be, “Whatever it takes.”

It may be reading book.  It may be attending a conference.  It may be searching the Internet for resources.  You will be researching and learning during this daily time you will set aside.  Just remember, if you don’t spend the time investing in yourself no one else will.  So you do “Whatever it takes.”

Your value begins to rise as you gain more knowledge and experience through this time you spend investing in yourself.

#2 Find a Team


Many people think they can do it on the own, but they couldn’t be more wrong.  You need a team to do anything great in this life.  You have probably heard the phrase, “It takes a team to achieve the dream.”

Improving your value in life is an important matter and should not be taken lightly.  Another phrase I grew up hearing was “You are whom you hang around.”  In some cases that statement may not be true, but in most cases it is quite accurate.

You need to be around people who will be able to increase your value.  It is impossible for someone to add value to your life if they haven’t discovered their own value and purpose.

I am not encouraging you to disconnect or disassociate with people that are already in your life, unless those individuals are pulling you down or decreasing your value.  There are some people who will drain your value and you won’t know it until it’s too late.  Why subject yourself to the pain of living with regrets because you surrounded yourself with the wrong people.

So surround yourself with the right people who will give you the right advice to increase your value and improve your life.

#3 Find a Way to Help


Don’t get so caught up in self that you forget to help someone else.  I know you can’t help the entire world.  No can help the entire world, but we can do little small things to give back.

At the end of the day, we were created to serve and help others.  Whether it is parenting, helping out at your church, blogging, helping a senior citizen carry groceries to her car, or feeding the homeless; do something and do it consistently.  And don’t ask for any pay from it.  Everything changes when start thinking about compensation.  Do it out of the goodness of your heart.  You will have plenty of opportunities to receive great compensation if you are helping other people.  The money will come.

You may be pressed for time, but I promise whatever it is can wait.  This will be a great opportunity for you to help someone, but more than anything you will be helping yourself.  You will discover God speaking directly to our heart during these times of helping others.  He will reveal greater opportunities for you to increase your value and improve your life.


Don’t just read this and go back to the normal, step out on faith and challenge your mind.  Make some changes.  Increase your value and watch your life improve tremendously.


What can you do today to increase you value? (Please help someone else by sharing your thoughts / comments below.)

Blessings of Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal
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2 Reasons To Have a No-Nonsense November


Ten months are gone.  And November is here.  Are you ready to finish the year strong?  You will need a No Nonsense November if you are going to finish the year strong.  Let me give you two reasons why you should have a No Nonsense November.

Reason #1 - Urgency Calls


Not all things require our instant care, but there are matters that call for our immediate attention.  I believe carrying out your 2014 plans and accomplishing your 2014 goals are such matters.  Your plans and goals require immediate attention because this year is rapidly coming to an end.

It was Lord Chesterfield that said, “If you have an hour, will you not improve that hour, instead of idling it away?”

We all should have an urgency to improve or to move ourselves to another level.  You have heard the phrase, “The only thing guaranteed in life is change.”  That’s why I believe we should be changing every year, every month, every week, every day, even every hour.  There is no way we can stay the same if we are sensitive the things that are happening around us.

How is urgency calling you?  What things do you need to accomplish before year-end?

Urgently, tackle those things and recognize your second reason to move forward during your No Nonsense November.

Reason #2 - Opportunity Knocks


What will you do when opportunity knocks?

I ask this question because your opportunity is coming.  But will you be ready when your opportunity knocks at your door?

Sometimes we believe we know how our opportunities will present themselves.  However, you should know that we serve an awesome God that does some amazing things.  Our God cannot be put in a box.  He blesses abundantly.

Every opportunity is a blessing from God and every blessing from God is an opportunity for us to have a productive November.

Don’t seek for the usual opportunities because God works in unusual ways.  You may miss you blessing or opportunity if you are looking for the usual.  I have to tell you; without doubt God can do the impossible.  So stop looking for a common opportunity.

For example, you may be looking for a raise or even a promotion at your current job.  But God may provide a completely different job for you with better flexibility, better benefits, better work morale, and better pay.  Do you believe that God can do it?

You may be looking for money to pay a few of your bills, but God can provide an opportunity which would allow all your bills to be paid along with causing you to be debt free.  Do you believe God can do it?

You may be looking for your needs to be met within your marriage because you feel your spouse doesn’t understand you.  God has the power to meet your needs, save your marriage, and preserve your entire family.  Do you believe God can do it?

God is miraculous God, but he needs something to work with from us.

What does he need from us?

We need to open up when opportunity knocks.  Don’t let it knock too long because you may miss your opportunity.  And who said that your opportunity would knock on the door.  Your opportunity may knock on a windowpane.  It may not be the front door, but it may be the back door.

No matter where opportunity knocks, be ready to open up and accept the bountiful blessings God has for your life.


What are your plans for the month of November? (Please help someone else by sharing your thoughts / comments below.)


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5 of the Most Frightening Things in Life


Today many people are celebrating Halloween with their family, friends, and co-workers.  Children and adults across the world will be dressed in fancy costumes.  Carved pumpkins are on doorsteps.  Frightening stories of ghost and goblins are told around bonfires.  Others may venture out to various haunted house attractions.

As a child, I was most frightened by the horror films.  My siblings and I would go to the movies or either rent scary movies.  I still remember some of those movies such as Halloween (Michael Myers), Child’s Play (Chucky), A Nightmare on Elm Street (Freddy Krueger), Friday the 13th (Jason), and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Leatherface).  These movies would give me nightmares as a child but I still would watch.

Now as an adult, I’m not much of a horror film watcher.  But I have discovered 5 of the Most Frightening Things In Life.  These things are more frightening than any of those horror movies I once watched.

#1 Bad Attitude

There is nothing worse than a bad attitude.  Attitude is everything.  A bad attitude will kill any chances of success.  It’s infectious and will spread like wild fire.  It has destroyed all sorts of people and relationships of any kind.  Families, leaders, businesses, churches, etc. have all fell victims to this frightening reality.

#2 Selfishness

It is great to better yourself, but life’s not all about the first thing we see in the mirror in the morning.  In other words, life isn’t about you.  Life isn’t about me.  Life is actually about helping others.  A selfish life is a lonely life.

#3 Hypocrisy

I find it to be a scary thing for someone to give advice but the same person unable to take the same advice for his or herself.

#4 Envy

Envy occurs when we lack a desired gift or skill possessed by someone else.  Don’t waste you time trying to be like other people.  You will never know what was sacrificed to get them where they are or what they have.

#5 Jealousy

Yes, this is quite different than envy.  Jealousy occurs when something we already possess such as a special relationship is threatened.  There are healthy and unhealthy jealousy levels.  Learn to keep your jealousy levels low and healthy by developing better self-confidence, not arrogance.  (Beware - Too much confidence leads to #2 selfishness)


As a child I remember having nightmares of the horror movies my siblings and I would watch, but now the most frightening things in life are all within our control.  Instead of living an unproductive life; stop and remove these things one at a time as quickly as you can to avoid a life of nightmares.

Life doesn’t have to be a nightmare if you remove the frightening things from your life.


Name another frightening thing in life.  What are your thoughts? (Please help someone else by sharing your thoughts / comments below.)

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Do You Really Mean “No Worries?”


We are met with many challenges from the time we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed at night.  Granted, each individual has his or her own set of challenges.  Just pause for a moment and think about the many challenges we face in a single day.  These challenges have the potential of causing us to worry.  In fact, we could make a never-ending list of all the worries or concerns we face everyday.

What’s on your list?

No matter what’s on your list, we are all trying to decrease the number of worries on our list.  All of us would love to be worry-free.

A Way of Life


I hear many people saying, “No worries.”  I even use the phrase myself.   However, do we really mean “No Worries?”

Sometimes this phrase is used just like the response we give to the question of “How are you doing?”  Without thinking, I hear many people respond quickly with a “Fine” or an “Alright.”

Worrying is to be anxious or uneasy about something.  To worry also means to disturb one’s peace of mind.

So next time you use the phrase “No worries.”   Ask yourself the question, “Do I Really Mean “No Worries?”  Ask yourself if you really mean that you have no concerns or troubles.

In the Australian culture, this phrase is widely used in their conversations.  It represents the feeling of friendliness, good humor, optimism, and “mateship.”  If you are going to use this expression, just make sure your behavior coincides with your use of the expression.  Make it a way of life.

Stop and Think


I’m not suggesting for you not to use the phrase “No worries.”  Just think about it if you are going to use it.  We can’t say “No worries,” but then visibly we show signs through our behaviors or actions of being stressed or concerned.

If you are going to use the phrase “No worries.”  Then whatever you are dealing with, please let it go.  Don’t pick it back up.  Let the expression resonate through your smile, in spite of the situation you are going through.

Lastly, when you use the expression “No worries,” it is not only for your benefit.  Others should feel that everything is going to be alright.  Next time you say “No worries,” stop and think about if you truly feel that way.


“Do you really mean “No Worries?” (Please help someone else by sharing your thoughts / comments below.)


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5 Ways to Avoid Drowning in Frustration


Never let frustrations and pettiness’s dictate your life, take back control of your life.


One of our greatest fears as humans is dying, especially by drowning.  Is it the fear of dying or is it the fear of dying by water?

One of the reasons why drowning may be a great fear is because of its overwhelming nature.

Drowning is a serious situation, but something that may be equally as scary is drowning in frustration.  There are many people drowning in frustrations.  You may not think this is a serious problem, but day by day our world is getting more complicated or overwhelming.  More and more frustrations are present because of the complexities of our world.

I don’t know your specific frustrations.  However, I do know that frustration stems from anger and disappointment.

Are you happy with where you are in life?  Are you satisfied with your job?  Are you content with the various relationships in your life?  Are you pleased with your financial situation?

You may not be where you would like to be in your life, but let me share 5 Ways To Avoid Drowning in Frustration.

1. Consult with the Creator


There are some things in this life we will never understand.  I don’t say that to discourage you from seeking understanding and purpose in your life.  Matter fact, because of our inability to comprehend some things we should consult with someone who does understand.  No one understands the world and everything within it better than the Creator of it.

2. Expect the Unexpected


It’s Murphy’s Law that states, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”  In other words, expect the unexpected.  Many times we have plans for our lives only to find out that those plans will change.  Instead of getting frustrated just know the unexpected is part of all our lives.  You will definitely avoid drowning in frustration when you can get to a point in your life where you can expect the unexpected.

3. Be Patient


How does patience help with avoiding drowning in frustration?  It may sound simple and easy, but it’s a challenge.  Take your time.  Stay calm and don’t get worked up over things that will improve in time.

4. Sharpen Your Perspective


A great way to avoid drowning in frustration is by being more insightful.  You will discover better fulfillment of your goals and plans because you will plan better.   Your preparation will be better and more detailed.

5. Take Ownership


Seek to hold yourself accountable, which will allow you to put your absolute best foot forward.  Blaming others usually leads to further frustrations because of the anger, bitterness, and disappointment we attempt to mask by blaming someone else.  The feelings of frustration are usually present because of an individual mistake or error.  The best way to avoid drowning in frustration is by taking ownership of those things within your control.


Take control of your life and use the 5 Ways to Avoid Drowning in Frustration.


Which of the 5 ways do you need to focus more on to avoid drowning in frustrations? (Please help someone else by sharing your thoughts / comments below.)


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