4 Basic Ways to Launch a Stellar Career


During personal development sessions with my clients, I have not met anyone that wasn't interested in living a good life.  Everyone wants to grow, profit, and live a prosperous life.

“Prosperity will come to the man with discipline.”


Some believe there are secrets to living a good life and launching their career, but there are no secrets.  There are just for basic ways to launch a stellar career or live a good life.

1. Have a plan.  Most successful people have a plan because plans are blueprints for success.  Whether you follow your plan to a tee or if your plan fails, it is still important to develop a plan for success.  When you have a plan, you will always have something fall back on when all else fails.

It was John L. Beckley that said, “Most people don’t plan to fail, but fail to plan.”

Please do not people this person.

The first step to developing a good plan starts drafting a plan with winning strategies.  There are three parts to drafting a winning plan.  Your plan should be complete, clear, and current.

Is your plan…

- Complete?  Does your plan encompass every goal that needs to be accomplished?  Does your plan consider all the still and moving pieces needed to put your plan into action?  Does your plan include each action step needed to complete your plan?

- Clear?  How clear is your plan?  Is it easy to understand?  Can other people included in your plan understand how to current out your action steps?  Has everything been spelled out?

- Current?  How relevant is the information within your plan?  Does your plan reflect your present and future needs?  Does your plan take into consideration various threats and opportunities?

2. Major on people.  The most important thing in life is relationships.  One of the best ways to launch your career and live a good life is by focusing on people.

I have seen some great businessmen and women, but they lack the ability to relate to people.  No matter how knowledgeable and professional you may be, without the ability to relate to people no one will ever buy into or support your career.

There are some people who will not support you regardless, but those people do not matter.  Focus on people and watch you career take off.

3. Be a forever learner.  It is always important to be in the know versus being benighted.  The most successful people in history are forever learners.

If you are willing to figure out what you do not know, you will then be able to figure out what people, information, and things you need to launch your career.

4. Take risks.  Any success comes with risk.  If what you are doing does not require sacrifice, then it may not be worth your time.  Without risk, it will be hard to move your career to the next level.


Question: What other ways can you launch a stellar career?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
Bryant Hall
MTN Universal, LLC
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7 Ways to Escape the Daily Grip of Stress


Stress is highly underrated.

Most people do not think about stress as being a killer, but stress it is a serious matter.  In fact, 75 to 90 percent of doctor’s appointments to primary care physicians involve stress.

Have you ever thought that your daily routine could be stressful?  So what is stress?

What is Stress?


Stress is any mental and/or physical resistance.  So anything could take the form of stress.

Common stressors include events such as death, divorce, losing a job, financial distress, being diagnosed with a permanent illness, etc.

There are other common stressors, but they do not get as much attention because these are simple activities we do on a a daily basis.  These simple activities include brushing teeth, showering, driving to work, accomplishing work tasks, eating, caring for your children, etc.  And then there are those stressors that are just unnecessary.

So What are You Going to Do About It?


It is only stress if we get worked up over it.  So whatever “IT” may be, make sure that “IT” does not get the best of you.  Here are 7 ways to escape the daily grip of stress.

1. Learn to say “no.”  You can’t be everywhere at all times.  Know your limits and hold to them.  Whether it is personal or professional, saying “yes” and taking on more than you can handle is a guaranteed way to become stressed.  You should never be afraid to express your feelings.

2. Prepare the night before.  One of the best things you can do to remove stress from your life is to prepare.  Without preparation, stress tends to have a tighter grip on our lives due to procrastination.  What can you prepare at night?  Put your “To-Do List” together.  Prepare your clothes by ironing.  If you take your lunch to work, prepare it at night.  Just to name a few things you can do to prepare.

3. Stay away from people who stress you out.  In life there are “Givers” and “Takers.”  If you are constantly finding yourself around a “Taker, ” you may need to think twice about hanging around that person.  Limit their time in your space to decrease some stress.

4. Control everything in you can in your space.  There are several things you can control that will help keep your stress levels low.  Those things are as follow:

- Go to sleep.  More sleep helps just about everything out.  It definitely helps out with removing stress.  Check out 9 Benefits of Getting a Good Night’s Sleep (click link).

- Get up earlier.  To get up early, you will need to go to bed.  When you are able to get an earlier start to your day, you will notice yourself rushing less.

- Start your day with prayer.  I do not know a better way to start your day.  I get a great sense of calm when I pray to my Father in heaven.  Our Creator can give the best insight when it comes to making any decisions, so why not discuss your plans for the day with the Creator of all things.

- Leave for work early.  Do not wait until the last minute to leave for work.  The later you leave for work will cause you to have little control over arriving to work on time, which causes several reasons to stress.  Reasons such as receiving a verbal/written warning, losing your job, or just tarnishing your professional image.  Whatever the reason, it will just add more stress to your day.

- Drive sensibly.  If you leave early, you will be able to drive sensibly.  Otherwise, you find yourself driving with tension in your arms because your will be rushing.  As we discussed early, tension is just another form of resistance causing stress.  How can you drive sensibly?  If you are going to drive sensibly, just remember a few things: drive the speed limit, be cordial to other drivers, be safe, and let others go first.

- Tickle your ears.  Play your favorite music or listen to something that will put you at peace on your way to work.  We spend quite a bit of time in the car driving to and from work.  So why not make it a peaceful and productive drive.  I love my music, but prefer listening to educational information to advance my life.

- Take a nap during the day.  Not many people are able to get a full night of sleep, so I would recommend for people to take naps throughout the day.  Whatever you do, please do not take a nap while you should be working.  Use your break times take short power naps.

- Manage your time better.  Poor time management is a sure way of becoming more stressed.  Make a schedule and try not to stretch yourself too thin.  Better time management will keep you calm and focused.

5. Look at the big picture.  Sometimes we worry about things that do not matter.  Perspective is a key factor in life.  With good perspective, we will begin developing priority and purpose with our daily plans.

6. Focus on the positive.  There is positive in everything in life.  Never let the negative take over the positive.  Seeing the positive also helps with shaping perspective.

7. Learn to forgive.  I know this can be hard.  If you are unwilling to forgive, you will find yourself holding on negativity, hurt, guilt, regrets, etc.  When you are able to forgive, you end up freeing yourself of anger, resentment, and any negative energy.  Forgiveness is not for the person who may have committed the wrong doing, but it is more to help the person who received the wrong doing to start the process of letting go and moving on.

Just as you can increase your resistance, you can also decrease it.  Work some of these practices into your daily routine.  Decrease your stress and live a long healthy life.


Question: What other ways can you escape the daily grip of success?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
Bryant Hall
MTN Universal, LLC
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Is Your Heart in Shape for 2015?


If you are unable to keep your heart in shape, it will be tough to accomplish any of your life goals or dreams.

The heart is one of the most important organs of the body.  The heart keeps all the organs of the body supplied with blood by its strong pump.

So let us get to the heart of the matter.  Is your heart in shape for 2015?

Here are seven things to sure up to be effective in accomplishing your life’s dreams.

1. Know your history.  Review your family history and examine if there have been any diseases, especially of the heart, that is in your family history.  One of the biggest predictors of heart disease and other heart issues is family history.

2. Gather Baselines.  To advance or move forward with anything in life, you have measure your progress.  Not only do you need to measure, but you need to record your measurements.  If you do not write your findings down, it never happened.

What things should you measure?

You want to check the following:

- Weight, 

- Heart rate, 

- Blood pressure, 

- Resting heart rate,  

- Body mass index,

- Circumferential measurements of waist & heart, and

- Blood Levels (blood sugar, cholesterols, triglycerides, hemoglobin A1c)

3. Manage Your Diet and Weight.  One of the biggest ways to stay healthy is eating right, which is the best way to control your weight.  Poor management of diet and weight can lead to heart issues.

4. Stress Less.  Life can be busy.  We all have a ton on our plate, but we must find a way to remove some of the unnecessary stress.  Also, we should try to get enough sleep to keep our bodies functioning at a high level.  Sleeping is important.  Check out 9 Benefits of Getting a Good Night’s Sleep (click link).

5. Stay active.  We discussed diet being a big portion of keeping your heart in shape, but keep your body active is just as important.  With some form of activity, it can help you control your blood pressure, weight, heart rate, body mass index, and other blood levels.  If you would like to discover several ways to keep your body moving, please check out 3 Reasons to Keep Your Body Moving (click link).

6. Avoid Smoking.  Research suggests that smoking at least doubles your risk of heart disease.  Also, it has been researched that smoking can trigger a heart attack even if your arteries are nearly perfect.  Smoking narrows the arteries and raises your blood pressure, which increases your risk of irregular heartbeat and makes your blood sticky.  This increases your risk of blood clotting causing higher risk of heart problems.

7. Build a strong support system.  You always need supportive people around you, but especially if you are making a decision to keep your heart healthy.  With a consistent supporting crew, you will be able to consistently keep your heart in great shape.  It is nothing like having someone to hold us accountable.

No matter our age, we all should want to keep our hearts in shape.  A heart in shape can make a difference in hearts of many.  It is all about the heart!


Question: With a healthy and in shape heart, what life goals will you be able to accomplish?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
Bryant Hall, Sr.
MTN Universal, LLC
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5 Roadblocks to a Successful Life


If you asked a million people to define success, each person would have a slight variation of what defines success.

I believe success is waking up everyday with a sense of purpose.    Success is all about getting better, growing, or moving forward.  It has nothing to do with money, but doing things the right way will allow money to follow.

When you are striving for success, you will run into roadblocks.  You need to know those roadblocks and how to avoid or go around them.  So, here are five roadblocks to a successful life.

1. Our thoughts.  All of our actions are controlled by our thoughts.  Sometimes we are our own worst enemies.  Many times we fall short of success in many areas of our lives because of own thoughts.  I have heard people saying the following words:

- I’m too old to _____.

- I’m too young to _____.

- I don’t have enough time in a day.

- I’m not good enough.

It is never too late, but it is quite easy to talk yourself out of success.  Stop talking yourself out being successful and find a way to hold those thoughts back.

One way to change these thoughts is to be selective about what you let into mind.

2. Listening to negativity.  Do not let negativity break or shatter your success.  You are better than any negativity that may try to discourage you from being successful.  Do not listen whether it is a friend, family member, co-worker, boss, or just a plain “hater.”  I usually do not focus on the haters, but with this point I have to mention them to tell you to ignore them.

3. Living larger than life.  When we think we are bigger than life, we then start getting “cocky.”  Read my last blog post, Two Big Differences Separating the Confident and the “Cocky” (click link).

Stay humble and remember that we were created to help others.  It is never about one individual; it has always been about a team.  In the case of life, it is about giving and serving others.

4. Living in a box.  It is natural for us to hold to our routines and form habits.  It is nothing wrong with routines or good habits, but success comes with taking risks.  We have to get out of the box and expose ourselves to new things, so we can grow.  Do not get stuck in a box because of your fear of taking risks.  Discover ways of challenging your mind.  For a few tips, read 18 Ways to Challenge Your Mind (click link).

5. Past memories.  How many times have you heard or have you said, “I wish things were like they use to be.”  When you get caught up in past accomplishments, you it ends up limiting your success.  The same is so for focusing on past failures.  Instead of emphasizing your past memories, focus on the present and how you plan to move forward.

Be aware of these roadblocks and live a successful life.


Question: How do you plan on avoiding these roadblocks to your success?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
Bryant Hall, Sr.
MTN Universal, LLC
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Remembering the Dream


Everyone has a dream.  This one man has influenced all our dreams.

Over 52 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered a speech that changed the history of our nation.

There are so many things we have learned from this amazing speech.  These hopeful and inspirational words came during a time of difficulty.  If you have a few minutes, take some time to read or listen to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

His dream was not only for blacks, but also for all races and ethnic backgrounds.

Other than the famous words of “I Have a Dream,” there are a few other words that stand out.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. repeated three words towards the end of speech that should resound throughout our lives.  Those words are “Let freedom ring.”

We all have benefited from Dr. King’s dream.  The freedom we all enjoy comes from several path blazers with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. being one.  It is that freedom that allows us to think outside the box and capitalize on new opportunities.

So, I want to leave you with 12 life-changing quotes from Dr. King.

12 Life-Changing Quotes from Dr. King


1. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

2. Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t se the whole staircase.

3. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

4. The time is always right to do what is right.

5. Life’s most persistent and urgent question is ‘What are you doing for others?’

6. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

7. We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.

8. I have decided to stick with love.  Hate is too great a burden to bear.

9. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

10. Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking.  There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions.  Nothing pains some people more than having to think.

11. Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it.  It is a sword that heals.

12. A lie cannot live.


Question: What are your thoughts about Dr. King and his efforts to change our world?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
Bryant Hall, Sr.
MTN Universal, LLC
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Two Big Differences Separating the Confident and the “Cocky”


The one thing in life we all need is confidence.  However, what is the difference between the confident person and someone who is just plain “cocky?”

There are two big differences between the confident and the “cocky.”  Before we discuss the two big differences, we need to define the confident and the “cocky.”

What the confident and the “cocky” look like


There are different characteristics that define both groups of people.

Being confident is living…

- Bold,

- Courageous,

- Fearless,

- Hopeful,

- Thankful

- Positive,

- Self-assured, and

- Sure.

Whereas being “cocky” is living…

- Arrogant,

- Brash,

- Entitled

- Overconfident,

- Presumptuous, and

- Self-confident.

Two Big Differences Separating the Confident and the “Cocky”


1. Belief in God.  Believing in God has a way of humbling even the most arrogant person.  For whatever reason, there may be some who will say believing in God is a sign of low confidence.  On the contrary, I believe it takes a courageous person to believe and give full control of their life to God.

It is natural for us to attempt to control everything in our lives, which is the position of being “cocky.”  However, when we believe in God and His mercies, we become more dependent on Him and confident in God’s plans for our lives.

2. Serve People.  Along with believing in God, confident people are never ashamed to help others.  Confident people will always find a way to serve others, no matter a person’s race, gender, age, socioeconomic status, or religion.

Those who are confident desire for others to be confident, so they intentionally and passionately serve to pass along that same confidence to others in search for a better life.


Question: Can you recognize any characteristics of confidence or cockiness in your life?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
Bryant Hall
MTN Universal, LLC
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18 Ways to Challenge Your Mind


It is very important to exercise your body, but it is just as important for us to exercise our minds.

“A challenged mind is a healthy mind.”


No research is needed to understand that people with strong and healthy minds live more fulfilling lives.  There are many ways to keep your mind challenged.

Here are 18 ways to challenge your mind:

1. Read.  Your brain stays sharp when you are able explore and learn new things.   I love to read the Bible because it has so many life lessons.  (It is a great read, I recommend it).  Along with the Bible, you should read anything you can get your hands on such as newspapers, blogs, magazines, books, poems, song lyrics, etc.

2. Watch the news.  It is important to know what is going on in our world.  You may not think that it affects you, but our world is like a pond.  If you throw a rock in the pond, the entire pond feels the impact.

3. Work your brain.  Try not to use things such as calculators when your brain can be utilized effectively to do simple arithmetic, etc.

4. Play mind-stimulating games.  You can play mindless games, but find a way to play games that will stimulate problem solving with your brain.  Try playing games the following games: crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, scrabble, anagrams, logic problems, rebuses, chess, etc.

5. Watch thought-provoking movies.  I like my action movies, but I have to make time for those movies that will challenge my mind.  Movies such as Good Will Hunting, Seven Pounds, A Beautiful Mind, Dead Poets Society, and Patch Adams.

6. Start a new hobby.  Don’t waste any time.  Start a new hobby if you have idle time on your hand.  Keep your brain active and sharp.

7. Exercise your body.  Research has proven that exercise helps with the healthiness of the brain.  Exercise increases blood-flow and oxygenates the brain.  You can accomplish this many ways.  Here are just a few:

- Walking

- Running

- Jump roping

- Dancing

- Yoga

- Cycling

- Hiking

- Tai Chi

- Yard work

- Swimming

- Tennis

- Golfing

8. Listen to inspiring music.  I love all kinds of music, but Classical music is on way to spark my creativity.

9. Study a foreign language.  Research has ben done on the benefits of knowing another language.  That research also made a direct correlation between increased pay and how many languages a person knows.

10. Travel.  When you travel you get the opportunity to experience various cultures, which will also challenge your mind.

11. Go back to school.  A great way to challenge your brain is going back to school to get that degree you have always wanted.  It will give you better skills and boost your career.

12. Eat healthy.  Certain foods are great brain foods.  Foods with antioxidants, olive oils, whole grains, onion, and avocado are known to give the body and brain health benefits.  Some other foods include fish, fruits, and veggies.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it is also considered the best meal for the brain too.

13. Supplement your brain.  Please discuss the use of supplements with your medical doctor.  It does have to be a pill, but there are many forms of supplements that can help your brain.  Certain supplements have been found to be healthy for the brain such as Omega-3, green tea, vitamin B, water, Kombucha, vitamin E, vitamin C, Matcha, grape seed extract, and lecithin.

14. Meditation.  Meditation has a big role to play in challenging our minds.  It allows us to focus and relieve our stress, which helps to challenge our minds.

15. Smile.  The more you smile; you will discover yourself developing a new positive demeanor.

16. Get sleep.  Sleep helps to rejuvenate the brain and also helps us think quicker.  See 9 Benefits of Getting a Good Night’s Sleep (click link).

17. Volunteer your time.  Volunteering helps others get places they are unable to get to themselves.  Volunteer gives you a sense of humility, which is great for our brains.

18. Join a book group.  Hear how others think.  Discuss great topics and amazing books in these groups that will change your mind forever.


Question: What ways do you challenge your minds?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
Bryant Hall
MTN Universal, LLC
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8 Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Life


We frequently hear three words when we discuss appreciating life.

“Life is short.”


I know this is a common phrase, but it is true.

My family and I just lost a loved one to a senseless murder.  No matter your age, life is precious.  While our family mourns this loss, please keep us in your prayers especially his wife and children.

Anytime death touches us, it makes us think twice about how we are living life.  I want to leave you with a few thoughtful tips to help us all make the most out of life.

Tip #1 - Put God first.  You never know when it will be your time to go.  Life is just a preparation period before meeting our Maker.  Do not waste that time.  Make the best of your preparation period.

Tip #2 - Know that you are not alone.  We were created to develop and nourish the various relationships in our lives.  Seek strength from those family and friends in your life to help you during the good and bad times.  Life can be a challenge, but a support system will assist you during any phase of your life.

Tip #3 - Appreciate every moment.  Take time to enjoy every moment of life.

Tip #4 - Show your love.  Many times we use the words, “I love you.”  But do we really mean it?  Love is an action word.  Take it a step further and show that love.  It may be a hug, kiss, phone call, text, card, a kind word, etc.

Tip #5 - Live without regrets.  Do those things that you have always wanted to do.

Tip #6 - Be grateful for what is in front of you.  We all have been guilty of wanting more out of life, but what about the things in front of us?  Be grateful for the people and things you do have, instead of focusing on the what you don’t have.

Tip #7 - Be true to yourself.  Everyone has a special gift to contribute to our world.  You are unique because of your individuality.  God created you that way.  You have a special gift.  So be yourself because everyone else is taken.

Tip #8 - Do not chase “stuff.”  Human life and strength of character are a big deal.  People may make a big deal out of money, fame, cars, jobs, college degrees, houses, etc.  At the end of the day, those things are just “stuff.”

Join me in extending sympathy to all those families who have lost loved ones due to sudden, tragic deaths.


Question: What other tips could we use to make the most out of life?  Leave your comments below.

With Sincerity,
Bryant Hall
MTN Universal, LLC
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3 Easy Ways to Fire Up Your Life Daily


It is quite easy to get caught up in the everyday “hum drum” routine of life.  Most of us have a daily, tightly fitted routine.  If anything goes wrong or falls out of place, many times we that will cost us our entire day.

I completely understand with the various responsibilities in which I am able to serve many people.  No one is exempt from the daily “grind.”

However, what if there was a way to add some spice to your life?  What if you could add positive drama to your life that would help progress your life in a positive direction?

What Fires You Up?


When you look at your daily routine, what fires you up?

What peaks your interest?  What puts a smile on your face?  What moves you to do things you never thought would have been possible?

For my athletes and those who love athletics, think about the excitement surrounding the sport.  Whether you are a producer or listener of music, what types of feelings come to mind when you think of your favorite song?  If you are techie, what feelings do you embody when new, sensational technology hits the market?

We all get fired up about something, but why should it be a seasonal deal?

I would like to share 3 easy ways to fire up your life daily.  The key word is daily!

3 Easy Ways to Fire Up Your Life Daily


1. Start your day with positive energy


Waking up at the last minute and making a mad dash for your job may not be the right way to start you day.  Of course, we all want as much sleep as possible.  Matter fact, we need our sleep.  Don’t believe me, check out the 9 Benefits of Getting a Good Night’s Sleep (click link).

With a little planning, you may find some extra time to fire up your life.  I like to start my day with prayer, reading my Bible, or both.  It is the best way to start my day.  After consulting with the Creator of all things, I feel more equipped to handle the challenges of the day.

Here are a few other ways to start your day off with positive energy:

- Read a motivational quote or blog every morning,

- Conversation with our spouse (if he or she is awake),

- Cuddle with your spouse or kids (if they are he or she is sleep),

- A few minutes reading your favorite book,

- Enjoying nature while walking your dog, cat, or just walking by yourself,

- Watching a few minutes of your favorite morning show,

- Calling another friend who is awake (please do not call someone who is sleep, unless it is necessary),

- Exercising first thing in the morning,

- Spend a few minutes listening to your favorite music,

- Kiss those you love before leaving the house.

2. Help someone other than yourself


One of the greatest feelings in the world is helping someone else.  We help ourselves everyday, but there will always be someone in need.

“We were created to serve.”


One reason why serving someone else is a big deal is because teaches you that it is not about you.  Also, it gives the server a better sense of humility.  With humility comes better perspective.  Better perspective will allow you to see your day in a positive light.  With your day now in more of a positive light, now it is time to get fired up about life.

3. Review your life goals


This may not sound like it will contribute to firing up your life, but reviewing your life goals is a great way to infuse some fire into your life.  Why?

There is nothing like knowing if you are headed in the right direction or not.

If you are headed in the right direction, reviewing your life goals should spark some excitement for you to do more of what has already made you successful.  If you are not headed in the right direction, reviewing your life goals should stimulate some urgency for you to do something difference to obtain success.

Fire up your life daily and enjoy a successful life.


Question: What fires up your life?  Leave your comments below.


Peace and Prosperity,
Bryant Hall
MTN Universal, LLC
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9 Benefits of Getting a Good Night’s Sleep


We all are guilty of not getting enough sleep at times.  However, we can’t make that a habit.  We become sleep deprived when we habitually are not able to get enough sleep.

When I have not received enough sleep, I am usually less focused and easily distracted.  I

We can make a million excuses justifying why we are unable to get enough sleep.  At the end of the day, the excuses will still be excuses.  We all need a good night’s sleep.

According to an article called Sleep and Health from the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, it states that insufficient sleep can be link to the following:

- Day-to-day feeling of irritability,

- Obesity,

- Diabetes,

- Cardiovascular disease and hypertension,

- Deficient immune function,

- Common cold, and

- Decrease in life expectancy.

Go to Bed


My parents would always say three words to me as a child, “Go to bed.”  I always felt like I was going to miss something.  So, I would try to stay up as long as I could before falling asleep even in my bed.

I don’t have my parents saying those three words to me now and it is easier to fall asleep as an adult.  But I do still hear the same sentiments from my wife these days.  When I start working on something, it is easy to get lost in trying to successfully complete the project.  I may not hear the words, “Go to bed.”  But I do hear my wife frequently say, “Honey, come to bed.”

There are many reasons why we all need to hear these words, “Go to bed.”

Just remember that sleep is a precious commodity.  Use it to your benefit.

Benefits of Getting a Good Night’s Sleep


When we get really busy with other things in our lives, we tend to cheat on our sleep.

I am not telling you to hit your snooze button and lay in the bed all day.  You may end up losing your job.  However, discover ways of taking back something so precious as sleep.

You may need to take short naps during your short breaks at work or take a longer nap during your lunch breaks.  Just make sure you set your alarm clock, phone, or watch so you can get back to work.  You may need to go to bed earlier or change your work hours.

Find a way because the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep are worth your time.  Here are the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep:

1. You will perform better in every aspect of your life,

2. You will stress less,

3. You will live longer,

4. You will have better control of your weight,

5. You will improve your memory,

6. You will decrease the effectiveness of the chemicals that cause inflammation in our bodies,

7. You will be more creative,

8. You will have a stronger concentration, and

9. You will feel better overall about life

How Much is Enough?


I have heard a variety of people give a wide range of responses when it comes to the proper amount of sleep hours for an adult.  The answers have been from six to ten hours of sleep.

According to the Mayo Clinic and other health experts, most healthy adults need seven to nine hours of sleep per night to function at their best.

After writing this blog, I feel the need to go take a nap.  How about you?

Make the best of your life by getting more sleep.  It is critical to your success.


Question: How can get more sleep or improve your sleeping habits?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
Bryant Hall
MTN Universal, LLC
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3 Steps to Turn Nothing into Something


Success does not depend on what you start with, but success depends on what you do with what you have within your possession.


It is hard to believe that most successful people and organizations start with little to nothing.  With that said, what do the successful do that is different than most other people?

When you take a close look into the life of the successful, you will discover their uncanny ability to turn nothing into something.  If you follow these three steps, you will find yourself living a successful life as well.

Step 1 - Know Your Story


Life is full of challenges and opportunities.  One of the reasons why the successful are able to turn nothing into something is because they know the importance of their story.  We all have a unique story.

Do you know your story?  Better yet, do you know how to gain inspiration from your story?

We all have overcome some form of difficulty when we look back over our lives.  Use those life experiences to turn your nothing into something.

Step 2 - Change Your Attitude


We did not have much when I was a child, but my siblings and I never felt like we were lacking anything.  Rather than encouraging video game play, instead my parents would send us outside to play.  We made up most of our games with our imagination because we just did not have latest and newest toys and games.

We have the unique ability to turn nothing into something as children, but somehow we end up losing the ability to be creative and imaginative.  Think about all the structures we created as children from LEGO’s, Building Blocks, sticks, rocks, and dirt.

“All it takes is a change in attitude to turn your nothing into something.”


The successful are able turn nothing into something because they trust their ingenuity.  Instead of getting bogged down with the adult cares of this world, they are able to CHANGE their attitudes to be more open and creative.

Step 3 - Believe in Your Ability to Change


You have established your story and now have changed your attitude to a more creative one.  What’s next?  Like the successful, you have to believe in your ability to turn nothing into something.  If you don’t believe, no one else will.

Believing has everything to do with positive visualization.  When you believe, you are able to see people, things, and your dreams in a positive light.

I do not know what your nothing is, but it’s time to turn that nothing into something.

Following these three steps will not only turn your nothing into something, but it will allow you to step into the circle of the successful.


Question: What in your life needs to be turned from nothing to something?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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It's Go Time


Yesterday is gone.  Today is here.  Tomorrow is full of hope and promise.


There is no better time to start a new beginning than now!  We are two days into this New Year and it is your time.

Many people will be focusing on the past, but I encourage you to live in the present and fix your eyes towards your future.

It’s Go Time


What changes need to be made in your life?  What would you like to be doing?  Where would you like to be working?  What are your personal and professional goals?


It is time for action in 2015.

In 2015, we need…

- Less talk and more action,

- Less procrastination and more preparation,

- Less complaining and more dreaming,

- Less quitting and more finishing,

- Stronger families,

- Greater hope,

- Optimism,

- Perspective, and

- Change.

Get a great start to your 2015 by receiving your free copy of My Plan To Success to help guide you through 2015.


Question: What do you expect to accomplish in 2015?  Leave your comments below.


Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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Top 3 Things You Will Need in 2015


While others are busy making New Year’s resolutions, make sure you are busy preparing yourself for a profitable and productive 2015 with these 3 things.


There have been so many things to transpire in 2014.  Yesterday marked a year from my injury that required me to have intense surgery.  It has been quite an interesting year.  This year came with its fair share of challenges and opportunities.  Overall, I feel very blessed to have made it through 2014.

I am looking forward to a prosperous 2015 and pray the same for you.  If you are going to enjoy a prosperous year, you will need these top 3 things in 2015.

#3 Optimism


Open-mindedness is a great attribute to have when you are looking to move forward in life.  It is always easier to focus on the negative versus focusing on the positive.

When I look back on every monumental event in my life that moved me forward in a positive directions, I could have focused on the negative and missed out on the opportunities at that time.

If you are going to make 2015 your year, you will need to see the positive over the negative in all situations.  I have discovered that we must plan and prepare for the negative, but true prosperity happens when we are able to focus on the positive versus the negative.

What do you need to be more optimistic about in 2015?  It is your time to shine.  Be positive, open your mind, and move your life forward.

#2 Perspective


If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you understand a lot about perspective.  Without your eye assistance, it makes it very hard to see.  Perspective is being able to see things from another point of view.

Perspective is a cousin to optimism.  Optimism is primarily focused on your individual viewpoint, but perspective is being able to see life through someone else’s eyes.  Successful people and organizations are great at seeing life through their followers / customers eyes.  Consider your favorite restaurant, retail store, or grocery store.  One of the reasons why that business is your favorite is because they have great perspective.  They understand their customers.  They understand you.

What do you need better perspective with in your life?  You may need to see life through the eyes of your spouse, child, friend, employee, employer, customer, etc.  Make 2015 a great year by having better perspective.

#1 Change


The number one thing you need in 2015 is CHANGE.

“Change cannot take place if we are focused on the same.”


Regardless if 2014 was a great year or not for you, there are some changes you can make.  Don’t be afraid to change.  Opportunity is usually outside of our comfort zones, so step out on faith and change.  Any successful person or organization became successful because of their willingness to take risk.

What needs changing in your life?  Does your attitude need tweaking?  Maybe you need new sources of inspiration.  Whatever it is, start now.  If you are afraid of change, start small.

Make 2015 a successful year; take a risk and change.


Question: How do you plan to make these top 3 three things work for you in 2015? Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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One Thing Everyone Wants from You and 20 Ways to Give It


Many people may say that they don’t want anything from anybody, but there is one thing that everyone you meet wants from you.


Everything changes with time and nothing stays the same, with the one exception being God.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore.” - Hebrews 13:8


The One Thing


I know your dying to know the one thing.

“Everyone wants recognition.”


It’s quite normal for us to look for recognition after completing various tasks, especially if that task is of great significance.  Which leads to the question of, “Are we driven by recognition?”

There is a reason behind every human action.  Subconsciously, many people are looking for recognition.  Does that mean that we should seek out recognition?

I firmly believe no one should seek the praise of another man.  Regardless of our motives and intentions, we are all in need of some form of recognition.  Recognition is just another form encouragement if done the right way.  Recognition and encouragement is very helpful whether we are able to give it or receive it.

Here are some positive words of recognition that you can use to help recognize those things done well by people in your life:

Positive Words of Recognition

1.   Thank You!

2.   You are Great!

3.   Excellent Job!

4.    You are Amazing!

5.   Fabulous Work!

6.   You can Do It!

7.   Exceptional Job!

8.   Thank you for your advice.

9.   You are a blessing.

10.   I admire your strength.

11.   Thank you for your insight.

12.   You are an inspiration.

13.   Great way of masterfully completing your task.

14.   Outstanding!

15.   Great Commitment.

16.   Beautiful Imagination.

17.   Great Passion!

18.   Great Tenacity!

19.   Exceptional intuition!

20.   You are a masterpiece!

I know some of these phrases are a little corny, but use one of the phrases to recognize or encourage someone.  Furthermore, make up your own words of positive recognition.


Question: How do you give positive recognition an encouragement to those who deserve it?  Leave your comments below.


Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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3 Reasons to Keep Your Body Moving


With Thanksgiving and Christmas behind us, it’s time for us to get up and move our bodies.  Watch this video to figure out why.


Many of the diagnoses I treat in my profession as a physical therapist are preventable.  Sometimes all it takes is moving your body.  There are 3 reasons to keep your body moving.

3 Reasons to Keep Your Body Moving

1. Enjoy a Healthy Life

2. Keep a Sharp Mind

3. Live a Longer Life 


Newton Laws of Motion embodies the following thought:

“A body in motion stays in motion.”


Not only would I like to provide 3 reasons to keep your body moving, but I also would like to share 10 ways of keeping your body moving before, during, and after work.

1. Park far away from the entrance of your job (You may have to get to work just a little earlier, but you start off your morning with activity.)

2. Take the stairs (This is a great idea, unless you work on the 131st floor.  Then you should take the elevator to about the 121st floor and walk the rest)

3. Take frequent standing breaks (Five minutes of standing for every thirty minutes of sitting.)

4. Walk during lunch (Walk 25% of your lunch time)

5. Work out after work (Do something you love to do like dancing, Jazzercise, Pilates, Yoga, etc.)

6. Walk at a park

7. Walk your dog

8. Jumping rope (Jump rope for five minutes a day.)

9. Chair squats (Perform about 20-30 repetitions, 2-3 times a day)

10. Play with your children (Chase, wrestle, and play sports with your kids)

There are many other ways of giving your body the activity it desperately needs.  At the end of the day, it is all about doing something you love and consistent doing that activity.  You don't have to make a New Year's Resolution to do this, you can start now and get someone else involved that will hold you accountable.  Share this information with them and start your fun journey of adding years back to your life.


Question: What are some other ways to avoid excessive sitting?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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Give Yourself the Greatest Gift


Why wait for a gift you may not receive?  Give yourself the greatest gift.


It’s a wonderful time of the year.

People are celebrating the 2014-year and getting ready to enjoy great fellowship with family and friends during this holiday season.

Around this time of the year many people are buying their last few gift items for the holidays.  I greatly delight in the holiday spirit, but I’m not a fan of getting lost in crowds of shoppers and standing in long lines to find that perfect gift.  On the other hand, my wife enjoys every bit of the shopping festivities.  She absolutely loves it.  I believe she loves it so much because of the experience and her ability to give to someone else.

Many times we do a great job taking care of others needs and wants that we end up forgetting to take care of ourselves.

The Greatest Gift


In Acts 20:35 the LORD said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  You are probably wondering what is the greatest gift.

“The greatest gift is LOVE!"

Why love?

You should give yourself the gift of love because of 3 reasons:

1. “The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” - 1 John 4:8

2. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.” - 1 John 4:18

3. “Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,  does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.” - 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

The greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of love because it is a gift that keeps on giving.


Question: Have you picked up your gift?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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3 Ways to Hurdle Life’s Challenges


No one is perfect.  We all will fall at some point in our lives, but find a way to increase your success by hurdling life's challenges.


Hurdling has been around since 1864.  It is the act of running and jumping over an obstacle.

Sounds like life, right?

From the moment we wake until the time our heads hit the pillow; we are faced with challenges we need to hurdle.  Let me share 3 ways to hurdle life’s challenges to make your life more successful because 2014 is rapidly coming to an end and there is no reason for your 2015 not to be better than 2014.

With these 3 ways of hurdling life’s challenges, I believe you will discover the following:

- Enhanced life purpose,

- Healthier balance for your life,

- Improvements financially,

- Better work productivity, etc.

1. Prepare for the Obstacle


Do you remember a time when you were unprepared for a challenge?  I believe we have all experienced the feeling of being unprepared.  We feel unsure, unready, caught off guard, vulnerable, surprised, unskilled, and untrained.  No matter whether you are adept or a novice in your profession, these feelings of unpreparedness will resound loudly if you are unprepared at any given time.

I conducted many business and church meeting in my time.  I have found if I am more prepared, I am more productive with my meeting.  I feel more confident, my team members are more responsive, and it leads to great solutions.  There are certainly different levels of preparedness.  A person 10 days prepared is always better off than a person 1-2 days prepared.

You may or may not be leading business meetings, but preparation is key in every aspect of our lives.  Business owners, parents, clergymen/clergywomen, athletes, and others all alike have to prepare if success is going to be part of the plan.  So prepare for your obstacles.

Certainly all things in life will not allow for a long preparation period, but we have to take advantage of any preparation time that’s available.  Seek out as much information about the obstacles you will have to face.  Examine how tall the obstacle may be, how fast is the obstacle approaching, and how obstacle are present.  This information will be of great value to assist you in positioning yourself over your obstacles.

2. Position over the Obstacle


It’s important to be in the right place at the right time.

“Success is all about positioning.”


If we aren’t positioned properly, the challenge may trip us up.  For that reason, everyone should figure out his or her own success position.  Your success position is whatever gives you the best chance at hurdling your obstacle.

You have seen the obstacle from a distance allowing you to prepare, now it’s time for you to hurdle the obstacle.  Hurdling our challenges takes action.

Looking back at all the meetings I have conducted during my career, preparation led to perfect positioning or execution.  The more prepared I am, it has always put me in an excellent position to execute the plan I prepared.

Just remember, positioning is all about action and execution of plan.  It is the steps it will take to jump over the obstacles in your life.  Don’t let your obstacles run you over or trip you up, take action and hurdle over your challenges one step at a time.

3. Progress past the Obstacle


Once I have hurdled a challenge in my life, you will not find me turning around and attempting to revisit the same hurdle or challenge I just jumped over.  Matter fact, never have I seen a hurdler jump a hurdle then look back to admire the last jump.

“For you to have a successful 2015, you will need to move forward without looking back.”


Whatever you do, don’t look back.  Move forward and progress your life.


Question: What challenges will you have to hurdle to make 2015 a successful year?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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So You Think Your Job Is Bad…


So you think your job is bad…

If you think your job is bad, stop for less than 3 minutes and watch this video.


I’ve overheard many people throughout my life complaining and disgusted about their job.  Whatever the reason, people believe jobs these days are more demanding and are layered with too many responsibilities.

Whether you agree or not, it’s obvious that many people are unhappy with their jobs.  Customer service was once a staple piece of a business, but somehow it has become a lost art in today’s society.

After watching the video above, we all should feel at least a temporary sense of contentment or appreciation for the jobs we are currently working.

Just remember, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.


Question: Do you feel “the grass is greener on the other side?”  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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12 Questions to Ask Yourself before Pressing Send


In the age of the Internet, you might find yourself quick texting or emailing before even thinking about what you sent.  It’s no secret; many experts say that this behavior has the potential to negatively affect your personal and professional career.  Next time you send, reply, or forward a text or email, ask yourself twelve questions.

1. Have you introduced yourself?

Please don’t assume that the person you are texting or emailing knows you or remembers meeting you.  More than likely, the person you are emailing is just as busy as you.  So don’t make it a guessing game for the recipient when you send a text or email.

2. Is this a public or private matter?

It is very important to know if what you are texting is a public or private matter.  I believe that everything we send electronically could possibly be public at some point.  But if you are sending a pointed and private message to your boss, there are two good reasons why you need to be sure you are not copying others.  One, your boss may not be happy with that type of behavior.  And two, you may be embarrassed by the information within your message.  If you believe it is a public matter, ask yourself if the message you are sending could be put on a company bulletin board.  If you wouldn’t put this information on a public company bulletin board, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE think before clicking “send.”

3. Are you angry?

Know if you are angry before sending any message electronically because your anger could possibly be expressed in your message.  There is a possibly you could set aside your anger and still draft a productive text or email.  However, most of the time you want know if you have separated your emotions of anger until it is too late.  You don’t want to find out you were angry through an email or text after you have lost an relationship, lost a job position, lost a customer, or burned some bridge you may need to cross later.  So check your emotions before pressing the “send” button.  Also keep in mind, it is inappropriate and unprofessional to email or text bad news, firing of a client or vendor, reprimanding of someone, or disparaging information concerning other people.

4. Would your mother or grandmother send this information?

It may sound crazy, but don’t send a message if your grandmother or mother would be appalled with your language or a picture you are sending.  Remember anything sent electronically has a possibility of becoming public.

5. What is the appropriate timeframe in responding back to an individual?

Most emails and texts are not emergencies.  However, on average the timeframe for responding back to someone who has emailed or texted you is about 24 to 48 hours.  This all depends on the nature of the email or text and the urgency of the sender.

6. Have you explained yourself?

Make sure when you are sending a message that your message has details of what you would like to communicate to your reader.  All emails aren’t important, but you don’t want your email or text to fall in someone else’s pile of worthless emails or texts because of poor content.  It may not right, but poorly written content will keep readers from reading all of your content.  Matter fact, the reader may just delete your email or text without reading it if you fail to explain your content well.

7. Are you sending annoying information?

This can happen intentionally or unintentionally.  Avoid the use of emoticons, jargon, or slang in professional emails or texts.  Also, you want to avoid messy messages, which includes excessive carets (>>>) or pages of unprotected e-mail addresses that weren’t protected using Bcc.  These previous mentioned items are okay to do with your personal messages, but still can be annoying.  I should also say with this point, avoid using excessive exclamation points.  So before sending your message, clean up your message then send it.  The last thing you want is to look less professional if you are sending professional messages.

Helpful Tip: Get rid of carets by selecting the text, Ctrl+F to use the Find and Replace command to find a caret and replace all of them with nothing.  Get rid of all the unnecessary email addresses by using Bcc or deleting them if they are unnecessary in the body of your text.

8. Do you have a clear subject line that matches your content?

It is just as important to proof your subject line the same way you proof the content within your message.  The subject of your email should be simple, descriptive, and straight to the point.  It shouldn’t be tricky or obscure subject topic because that is an easy way to get an email trashed.  People want to know what they reading before they read it.

9. Have you attached your attachments?

We’ve all received those emails informing us to open an attachment only to find no attachment attached.  Along those same lines, it should be obvious to check to see if you are sending the right attachment.

10. Are you sending the message to the appropriate recipients?

Take just a few seconds before sending to check the recipients of your text or email.  With our new age technology, many of our devices have these programs that use autocomplete.  You type in a few letters and it will complete the rest for you.  This is a feature used quite frequently with texting and emailing.  If this program is enabled, make sure to recheck yourself and confirm that the right recipients are in the right fields.

11. Did you include a signature?

Your signature is a great way to let people know more about you.  No one should ever have to search for your contact information after you have sent a message, especially an email.  If you are connected with various social media platforms, include all your social media contact information as well.  It is a great way to bring attention to you and your organization.

12. Is your email a reflection of you?

Anything we do in life is a reflection of who we are.  Every message we send either adds to or devalues our reputation.  If you are careless with sending your text or email messages, the recipient will be inclined to think you are a careless personally or professionally.  Unfortunately, perception is reality whether it is true or not.  These perceptions will either help boost your success or sabotage your possible future success.


Question: What are your thoughts? Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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Living with Privilege


Are you privileged?  How do you know if you are privileged?


Take a look at this short video.


At one point in time, the color of your skin was a reason limiting privilege.  However, we live in different times where privilege is determined by factors besides your race.

What is privilege?


Some people are unaware that they are benefiting from privilege.  A careless attitude regarding your benefits from your privilege leads to entitlement.  Entitlement can kill any hopes of growth and productivity because entitlement is a person feeling they have a right to something.  See How to Avoid the Trap of Entitlement (click link) from a past blog.

Privilege is basically having an advantage.  If we have been blessed with an advantage, please take advantage of the privilege and help others who may not have a privilege.

We all at some point in our lives need the help of someone else.  As a child, I had a humble beginning growing up according to the standards of the United States.  Having said that, even the lowest level of living in the USA is a privilege compared to some friends in third world countries.  It’s all about perspective.

Have the right perspective


Without the right perspective, it will be hard to recognize if you are privileged or not.  How can you have the right perspective?


Those who appreciate their advantage will not complain about what they don’t have, but focus on what they do have.  These people will also go out of their way to help others discover their very own advantages within their reach.

“Take advantage of the resources within your reach.”


There are a few things to remember if you are going to take full advantage of your privilege.

1. Be yourself

2. Don’t compare yourself to others

3. Don’t make excuses

4. Find others with an advantage and learn from them

5. Encourage and empower others in search for their advantage

Many of us are privileged.  Start helping someone else discover their own advantage and privilege.  Before I close, I would like to share one more bit of information that may help you.  One my greatest privileges is having Christ Jesus as my LORD!


Question: Are you privileged?  List one reason why you are privilege.  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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