How are you preparing for 2018?

This is the time of the year when we all enjoy the holiday festivities.  During these next few weeks, we will partake in tasty food, memorable fellowship with family and friends, and fun-filled activities for Christmas and New Year’s Day.  I encourage you to enjoy every moment leading up to these holidays, but remember also to prepare for 2018.

The alternative to preparing and planning for your future is waiting until the last minute, which is procrastination.

Instead of procrastinating, make a promise to yourself right now that you will prepare and plan for your 2018. 

What’s stopping you from starting to plan for your 2018?  Is it your past?

Maria Robinson said, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

I know there are times when you are dealt a bad hand of cards.  There are many things out of our control when it comes managing your business, relationships, and your success.  Things like weather, the economy, catastrophic events, or industry trends can all have an impact on you.

The best leaders leave nothing to chance, but they control what they can.  Controlling what you can starts right now with you preparing and planning for 2018.

We don’t know what 2018 holds, but we can plan to be intentional and productive with our attitude, time, money, words, hands, and our hearts.

If you don’t remember anything about this blog, please remember leave nothing to chance and control everything you can.

What is within your control that can help you have a great 2018?  I would love to hear from you.  Feel free to leave a comment below or you can send me email me directly.


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