Living to Leave a Legacy

"Life isn’t about making one big deposit of goodness, but instead it is about making several small deposits of love, servitude, and acts of kindness in the lives of many."

As you know, the first day of Winter begins December 21st.  Since we are exiting the Fall season, I am moved to reflect one lesson learned this fall.

My father and I were having a conversation about the beautiful nature of God.  During the conversation, we began talking about trees and leaves.  Yes, trees and leaves.

I find it quite fascinating watching the leaves change colors and then falling to the ground from the trees.  I always thought leaves fell from trees because the wind blew them off, but did you know the following about leaves?

- Leaves are organs of vascular plants,

- Leaves don’t fall off; plants or trees shed them off,

- Leaves store food and water, and

- Leaves provide nutrients to the soil where they fall.

I believe this natural phenomenon can teach us a valuable lesson.  What lesson can we learn from leaves?

“We have to live to leave behind a legacy.” 



Our lives are much like a trees.  As we grow, we develop many skills, gifts, and abilities, which become our branches.  These branches then produce several leaves for each branch.  As we continue to grow, we then shed those leaves to make room for new branches and leaves.  If we were a tree, our new branches and leaves would be the new skills and better results we have learned from past seasons.


So, as a tree it is part of nature for it to grow.  Naturally, we should be growing everyday.  But, what happens to the skills that we shed off?

Remember, leaves provide nutrients to the soil where they fall.  If we have grown, at the end of our Fall season we will have to shed those old skills.  Our old skills and productivity will be nutrients and nourishment for the future generations to come.  The recipients of these benefits will include those who have given us the privilege to lead.  Depending on how deep your roots are and how wide your tree has grown, your recipients will range from your children, siblings, co-workers, employers, various organizations, cities, states, countries, and the world.

Just remember, we were created to live to leave behind a legacy for others to do what we have done - Grow and Give.  If we all grow and give, our world will no doubt be a more kind, gentle, caring, and unique environment that accepts the individuality of all persons.

I am going to leave you with this legacy thought which has nourished my tree and leaves for past seasons and will provide nutrients to my children, and I hope to you as well.  On behalf of my Mother — “To Each One, Teach One.”


Action: Develop your gifts.  Everyday, learn something new.  Then, be a teacher.  Not just by words, but speak through the life you live.

Question(s): Are you growing your tree?  What gifts and skills will you leave for generations to come?  How can you grow and give back to our world? (Please leave a comment below.)

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