The Power of Prayer


It’s always a good time to pray!

I don’t know how you feel about this subject matter, but I am always in need of prayer.

There have been many situations that the power of prayer has helped me.  I have been “at a loss,” but somehow someway I made it through.

Our successes are dependent on things such as preparation, hard work, determination, experience, and character.  However, the key to extraordinary success is consulting with God through prayer.

Whether you believe in prayer or not, I think you will be surprised what the research says about prayer.  In the religion section of the Huff Post, an article titled Why People Who Pray Are Healthier Than Those Who Don’t explained “that people who pray and meditate trend to be statistically more healthy and live longer than those who do not.”

How would you feel about improve health?  What do you think about extending your life?

Aside from the benefits from the above-mentioned article, there are many other reasons to pray.

4 Reasons to Pray


1. I need to give thanks.  I am nothing without the Lord.  All I have and will receive is a direct result of God’s favoring my life.  Once we acknowledge this fact, we remove ourselves from the equation and give God more room to operate in our lives to do what He does best.  God is in the blessing business.  Give thanks to God for running such a great business.

2. I need help.  I pray because I need help.  Some people will peg this point as being selfish.  Just remember, you can’t help or pray for anyone else without asking for God’s help or praying for you.  There’s a reason why adults are to don their oxygen masks first in the result of plane malfunction.  We need help in order to help others.

3. I need to help others.  In the grand scheme of things, the entire prayer process isn’t about me.  It’s bigger than me.  It’s about God and praying for others.  This is why I like the phrase by Aristotle, “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.”

4. I need to release my negativity.  I am an optimist, but I am also a realist.  The reality of all of our lives is unfortunately we all will experience our fair share of negativity.  Instead of unloading my negativity on anyone else, I rather vent release my negativity to someone who can fix all things.

Call to Pray


So if you are reading this blog, please take a few minutes to pray after reading.

What are we praying for?

I received several emails, text messages, direct messages on Twitter, and personal request in daily one-on-one conversations for prayer.

Please join us in prayer.  It’s simple, just pray for these things on this list to bless someone else.  There is no need to mention names because God knows the heart.

Please pray for the following:

- God’s guidance,

- Loss of a love one,

- Purchasing car insurance,

- Personal Health,

- Health of others,

- Car needs,

- Challenges with finishing college education,

- Marriages,

- Professional promotions, and

- Entrepreneur business adventures.

I believe James 5:16, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

Again, I’m pleading with you to join me in prayer to help someone with these serious issues previously mentioned.

I would love to add your desires to the prayer list, so we can cover them with the power of prayer.  Please email, tweet, Facebook, or leave a comment below.


Question: What desires of your heart are in need of the power of prayer?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
Bryant Hall
MTN Universal, LLC
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