Whenever and wherever you are, today is a beautiful day!

“This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” - Psalm 118:24

I hope you’ve enjoyed your recent journey of being intimate daily with the Lord.  I’m sure the fruit of giving God thanks and finding peace in His Word had a marvelous effect on your life.  This is such a simple inexpensive way to receive the best therapy, encouragement, reassurance, inspiration, and your very own personal cheerleader every morning.

How do you start your days?  For me, the Lord was and still is the perfect spark to start the day day He has gifted me.  The more I read, the more God creates a thirst in my soul.  Are you thirsty?  Are there things you would like to accomplish in this life?  What dreams do you have?

Each and every day has its own set of thrills, joys, disappointments, and heartfelt pain.  How would you handle walking into a cold environment the very first thing in the morning?

Regardless of when or where you have to start your day, you should be ready if you have started your day the right way with the Lord.  Matter of fact, instead of doing anything else, start studying and praying as soon as you get out of bed.  You will probably be more focused for that day when you engage with the Word.  There are other ways of being in the face of God to promote our day in a pleasant and victorious way.  You can also listen to the Bible on your way to work.  Don’t miss out on hearing from the very mind of God and the reward He has for your life.

When you receive this reward, you will begin to share your reward with others in various ways.  Some may not want what you have to offer, but don’t let this stop you from sharing your life.  No matter how pessimistic someone else may be, you must still be the leader of your life, home, workplace, and any other place with the help of the Lord.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  My mother shared this old adage with me and it has stayed with me most of my life.  But after much thought and many life experiences, I’ve found words can hurt and cut deep into a person’s soul.  So we must be careful with our words and actions in undesirable situations.


Give everything to God and have a peaceful night of rest.

Each night before you go to bed reflect on your day.  Consider the thrills, joys, disappointments, and heartfelt pains you may have experienced, then take them to God.  It is time to shut down your mind in order for it to recharge for the next day.  This is how you do it.

Steps to Shutting Down Your Mind

1. Take out your journal and do a “brain dump” onto the paper for a few minutes.

2. Then take out your Bible and read.

3. Write down key points God shared with you through your study.

4. Then PRAY!

Place all the problems you couldn’t solve, the pain you couldn’t heal, the “to do list” you couldn’t finish, or the hearts you couldn’t convince to share in your joy on God’s “to do list.”  He knows what to do with our problems and He has better solutions.  Remember the words of Peter in 1 Peter 5:7,

“Casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.”

Simply Jackie

MTN Universal, LLC


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