/We all know the importance of communication. Let’s talk about the when, where, and how to communicate. We often hear people use the phrase, “That was perfect timing.” But what happens when it isn’t perfect timing?
It is during these times, we must learn to exercise discipline if we wish to communicate effectively. True leadership is evident when we exercise discipline and self-control with our words. It is our responsibility to be straight forward and honest with our communication.
Regardless of whether you are right or wrong, we should never seek to embarrass a person with the truth.
The Delivery
To embarrass a person with what we believe is the truth is ridiculous. Even if it is the truth, we have to be careful delivering truth. Depending on the situation, most of the time it is better to deliver the truth to a person in private. Any other way will seem as if you are backing a bear up against a wall.
Communication has to be calculated. Great leaders seek to empower others with their communication. Love for mankind should reside in all of our hearts, which should show in the way we deliver any message. It is always a good practice to pray to God before you discuss any issue in order to let God guide you before you speak.
“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.”
- Ephesians 4:15
Sweeten the Delivery
In addition to finding the best time and place to deliver your message, also try toning it down. We have to be careful and act with discipline when delivering sensitive information and delivering difficult messages. We have to be very careful and cautious not to raise our voices.
Just stop and breathe. Now breathe again.
My mother used to tell me, “Jackie, you can catch more flies with honey.” Instead of always trying to get my point across, she taught me to deliver any information with sensitivity and as painless as possible. How do you communicate difficult messages?
Let your communication ooze with honey. If the other person is yelling, then you respond by barely speaking above a whisper. The recipient will generally think you are acting out of character and will usually stop yelling. Not only will they stop yelling, but they will also stop to take a break to assess the situation.
Pick Your Battles
Some people may think you have lost your mind when you try some of these strategies. Regardless of the situation, pick your battles. Realize what needs to be communicated and pay attention to the details of how, when, and where is the proper environment to deliver any type of information.
Seek to enhance your communication skills; assess every situation, be sensitive, pay attention to the details of every conversation, and effectively lead all communication with a thoughtful, careful, and loving approach!
Simply Jackie
MTN Universal, LLC