I Am Weird


"Today you are you, that is truer than true.  There is no one alive who is youer than you.”

~Dr. Suess


Yes, I just quoted Dr. Suess.

However, sometimes we need to find our inner child.  Life is serious enough, but in the process we must get away from the standards of others and find out who we are.

I believe we were created the be our BEST because we were made out of the image of our Father, God.



Action: Be YOUrself!

Question(s): Who is better being you, other than you? (Please leave a comment below.)

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The Golden Rule


“One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.”


There are many who say they know the origin of the Golden Rule, but there are about the same amount if not more who say the statement originates from many collective thoughts from individuals to religions.

Regardless of the origin, the Golden Rule has a strong presence in most cultures and religions.

So, what is the reason for writing today’s blog?

Everyone should know, the Golden Rule also applies to our individual weirdness.

So, how does the Golden Rule apply to our weirdness?

It is our weirdness that sets us apart, but we must respect these weird and individual differences with all people.


You should be a person who respects other people’s unique differences when it comes to the following: medical conditions, cultural rearing, dialect, race, height, weight, music preferences, occupations, facial features, voice pitch, thoughts, beliefs, choices, attire, hair style (bald, braids, perm, natural, curly, fade, etc.), style itself (Swag vs. Class), peircings, tattoos, cars, etc.

Yes, I believe first impression is usually the only impressions.  And, I believe we must carry ourselves in a professional way because we are always marketing ourselves.  However, good leaders understand no one person is the same and we will inevitably lead people we never thought we would lead.

It’s easy to make assumptions based off of external descriptions, but I was always taught you cannot judge a book by it’s cover.

So with that said, open the books around you.  Whether it be family members, friends, co-workers, bosses, or  your business/organization you are associated with.

Don’t judge a a person without knowing the inner details of why they are like they are and what they are really like.


Be weird enough to step outside of the box and discover the richness in every individual.


Action: Get to know the people around you, whether they are in your inner circle or not.


Question(s): What comes to mind when you think of the Golden Rule? (Please leave a comment below.)

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Go The Extra Mile

Every single life action presents an opportunity to go the extra mile.


We have heard the phrase, “Go the extra mile.”

But, what does it really mean?

If it was called going the mile, everyone would do it.

However, because it is called going the extra mile, it will require more than what most are normally willing to do.

Going the extra mile is being weird and it takes an unselfish attitude!


What does going the extra mile look like?


-Taking a grocery cart back to store for the store associates.

-Smiling when you don’t feel like smiling.

-Remembering to say a prayer for the person that tells you, “pray for me.”

-Opening the door for someone else.

-Picking up an item dropped by someone.

-Using your kindness even when the other person doesn't deserve it— Thank You! Excuse Me!

-Greeting every person you meet — Hello, how are you?

-Helping a co-worker/employee/employer with work at the end of the day.

-Respecting the elderly; even listening to them and taking time to talk to them.

-Being supportive; Being present!

-Finding the good in every situation; don’t dwell on the negative.

-Assisting someone with lifting something too heavy for one person.

-There are many many more illustrations pertaining to relationships, business, etc.

Is there any benefit to going the extra mile?


The benefit of going the extra mile is more for yourself and less for those persons on the receiving end.

2 Benefits of Going The Extra Mile

1. Precipitates a Servant Driven Heart

2. Produces a Wealth of Humility


Action: Start today doing something small you wouldn’t usually do for yourself and someone else.

Question(s): What are some unusual ways to go the extra mile for yourself or someone else? (Please leave a comment below.)

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Let It Snow

Snowflakes are beautiful, but their true beauty lies in their uniqueness.


It just snowed earlier this week in Nashville.

While watching the snow fall, I couldn’t help but think of the beautiful patterns of each snowflake.

Although not every snowflake is one hundred percent different, each has it’s own unique pattern.  Just like every human; we have our own distinct personalities, life goals, careers, etc.  That’s what makes us all WEIRD!

When a snowflake is falling from the heavens, it has no time to critique the snowflakes around it.


Each snowflake has enough to worry about when it comes to its journey from the heavens to Earth.

We may not be just like snowflakes, but we have similarities.

As humans, our journey is from Earth to the heavens.

Why travel this journey attempting to be anything, but YOUrself.

We were created to be weird.


Don’t be afraid of weird.  Weird Gets A Bad Rap. (Click on link)

So, there’s nothing else left to do, but to let your weirdness fall like the snow.

Let it snow!


Action: Don’t let anyone else dictate your destiny, trust the gifts and skills God gave you and be weird.

Question(s): What do you have to lose by being yourself? (Please leave a comment below.)

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Leaders of Light

“Light is the symbol of truth.”

~ James Russell Lowell


We all lead someone, but how will you lead?

Just because you are a leader doesn’t mean you are leading the right way.

We have seen many be take for granted their position as a leader.

What does it look like?


There many descriptions to describe these leaders, but there are 3 primary descriptions of leaders that take for granted their leadership…

-Unaware they are leading.

-Lead with obscurity.

-Lead with fear.


In contrast, leaders who lead the right way are…

-Leaders of light.

-Leaders who lead with compassion.

-Leaders who aren’t afraid to make tough decisions.


There are many more characteristics of a good leader.  However, of all the attributes a leader can and should have.

The one primary feature is…

Be A Leader of Light.


What is being a leader of a light?

Being a leader of light is simply being a leader of TRUTH and TRANSPARENCY!

At the end of the day, our biggest responsibility is being a leader of light.  The rest will take care of itself.  It was Ella Baker that said…

“Give light and people will find the way.”


Action: Lead with light by always leading with truth and transparency.

Question(s): In what areas of your life have you been privileged to be a leader?  How can you shine more light in that area as a leader? (Please leave a comment below.)

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Jumpstart January

“A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark.” 

~ Dante Alighieri


2014 will be your best year ever starting with the month of January.


January will be Jumpstart January!

Our lives are like batteries.  We are in need of a negative and positive to create a tiny spark that will create a powerful flame of success.


Life is taking the good with the bad because it’s not what happens to us, but how we respond to what happens!

So, how will you jumpstart your January?


#1 Reflect Appropriately

Take a little time to reflect on the positive and negative of 2013.  Yes, the positive and negative.  Many times, it is the negative that will prove to be more helpful than the positive because of the lessons learned.


#2 Set Goals

Make plans to accomplish your dreams with A Calm Resolve (Click on link).


#3 Build An Alliance

One of the reasons why many people fail with carrying through with any resolution is because of the lack of support.  Surround yourself with individuals that can help you achieve your goals of 2014.


Jumpstart your January and start your year off the right way.  If you want 2014 to a great year for you, don’t wait for someone else to make it happen.

I love watching and playing most sports.  There is a baseball quote I love that applies to our blog post and it is a good overall life quote in general.

“There are three types of baseball players: Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happens.”

~ Tommy Lasordo


Action: Starting today, sit down and write down how you will Jumpstart your January through our 3 steps above. 

Question(s): Why is it important for you to Jumpstart your January?   (Please leave a comment below.)

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A Meaningful 2014

“You can retire from a job, but don’t ever retire from making extremely meaningful contributions in life.”

~ Stephen Covey


Today is the third and final day of our 3-Day series to encourage and inspire the start of your 2014 year.

Make 2014 a meaningful year by setting Day’s goals and setting monthly themes.

Here are our monthly themes…

Jumpstart January

Fearless February

Merciful March

Abundant April

Mastering May

Juxtapose June

Joyful July

Active August

Serene September

Optimistic October

No Nonsense November

Detailed December

Hopefully, by now you are settled and ready to start 2014.

At the beginning of every month, we will discuss our monthly theme through a blog post.

We will start with Jumpstart January on Monday.



Action: Make your 2014 meaningful by setting monthly themes.

Question(s): My one word to describe my 2014 is Transformational!  What is one word that will describe your 2014? (Please respond below.)

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A Calm Resolve

I think in terms of day’s resolutions, not the years’. ~Henry Moore


Today is the second day of our 3-Day series to encourage and inspire the start of your 2014 year.

Also, today is the first day of 2014.  This year will be your year.

I don’t have anything against making resolutions.  Matter fact, I think they are great if we can keep them.  The problem is most New Year’s resolutions are abandoned or sabotaged before the first week or month of the year.

I want your 2014 to be different.  I would like for you to accomplish your goals, achieve your dreams, and make this year the best year of your life.

Making resolutions is no different than setting goals for your life.  It is great to set a yearly goal, but set short-term goals to help you get to your long-term goals for the year.

Set yourself up for success.

The one thing you will need, if you are going to be successful is a CALM RESOLVE to carry you through your day’s or year’s resolutions.

The opposite of a calm resolve is an anxious resolve.  The word anxious has to do with worrying, being bothered, or disturbed.  These are the feelings associated with only making New Year’s resolutions / goals, instead of making day’s resolutions / goals.


When a long-term goal is set, there has to be a pathway to success for that goal.  This is why you need Day's, Week's, Month's, and/or Quarter's resolutions / goals.

Before you start making Day’s resolutions / goals for 2014, first you must reflect on 2013.

In 2013…

-How many of your resolutions / goals did you achieve?

-Did you set any resolutions / goals?

-How many people did you help?

-Did you develop yourself in 2013?

3 Simple Ways to Practice a Calm Resolve with making your Day’s Resolution

1. Prioritize

2. Be detailed

3. Be time specific


Action: Make Day’s Resolutions.  Write them down.  It may be as simple as getting more sleep.  You have to start somewhere.

Question(s): What are some of your Day’s Resolutions / Goals? (Please leave a comment below.)

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Overcoming Obstacles

“Being aware of your fear is smart.  Overcoming it is the mark of a successful person.” ~ Seth Godin


Today is the start of a 3-Day series, to encourage and inspire the start of your 2014 year.

Your 2014 will be better than your 2013!


Remember, your perspective will be the determining factor of how successful your 2014 will be.

No matter your current position in life, know there are better goals, accomplishments, and challenges awaiting you.

Rarely do I watch TV with three young boys, but I happened to catch an inspirational program on ESPN Sports Center called College Gameday Feature.  I must say the ESPN crew did a great job.

There were several many amazing stories, but Jake Olson’s story left a long lasting impression.

Jake Olson’s story starts with him having a fascination with football.  He played football as a young man.  However, his toughest challenge would not present itself on the football field, but his greatest challenge was the cancer he was born with as a child.

At 1 year old, he lost his left eye because of a form of cancer called retinablastoma.  Just 12 years later, at the age of 13, he lost his right eye as well.  Technically, he is blind because he lost both his eyes, but he did not let that stop him from seeing his dreams come true.  He still was able to play football in high school on special teams squad as a field goal snapper.  He did not allow what was thought to be his limitations hold him back from conquering his hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

What goals, dreams, aspirations, and goals do you have?

The most impressive thing about Jake Olson’s story was his ability to Overcome his Obstacles!

What obstacles do you need to overcome?

After watching the story of Jake Olson, none of us have an excuse not achieve the goals and/or dreams.

Let me leave you with this thought…

Cancer may have taken the eyesight of Jake Olson, but it did not take his love for football and dreams of living beyond his obstacles.

“Brokenness does not exist in the body.  It exist in the mind, heart and spirit.  My mind, heart, and spirit remains whole.” ~ Jake Olson


Action: Acknowledge your fears are by writing them down, then you will be able to set goals to overcome them. 

Question: What’s holding you back?  What are your limitations?  Will you carry those limitations into 2014? (Please leave a comment below.)

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Head in the Clouds

We know not where our dreams will take us, but we can probably see quite clearly where we’ll go without them. ~ Marilyn Grey


We have heard the phrase, “Head in the clouds.”  This phrase just like the word “weird” and others, get a bad rap.

What do I mean? 

“Head in the clouds,” usually is a reference to a young man or woman who acts on whims and/or thinks unrealistically.  It refers to a persons behavior and thoughts.  Most people who we consider great, all had unrealistic thinking and bogus imaginations in the eyes of others.  But, it was those unrealistic thoughts and bogus imaginations that drove them to their success.

Could having your head in the clouds be a good thing?

It is important pay close attention to detail and to live in the present, but there is no excuse for not having dreams, plans, goals, and aspirations for your future.”

So, we must spend some time in the clouds or we won’t be able to move to the next level in our lives.

What does all this mean?

We are rapidly approaching the end of our 2013 year.  Many people will resolve in their hearts to make changes.  Know, it takes a healthy balance of Enjoying The Present (click on link) while still making time for your dreams by putting your head in the clouds.  Monitor how long you stare to the future because there is no need to neglect the present.

BUT, if you are unable to spend some time on your dreams, you just may find yourself stuck in a past present.

I’ll leave you with this quote…

Dreams are renewable.  No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born. ~ Dale E. Turner


Action: Set aside some time and put your head in the clouds.  All you need is about 1 hour or less a day until your future becomes the present.  Think about what your future will look like and what you need to do to create your ideal future.

Question(s): When is the best time for you to put your head in the clouds?  (Please leave a comment below.)

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Enjoy Your Present


"Every day we are given a gift, a priceless gift of the present."


Can you think of a better gift to receive?

-The present is always new and fresh.  Everyday we open a new gift of the present.

-It’s perfectly wrapped.  We unwrap it when we wake up in the mornings and are able to enjoy it all day until we receive our next gift, the next day.

-The present is a gift that keeps giving.

-The present is an individual gift with tremendous personalization.  Your present will never be someone else’s present.

-The present is always exciting because the alternative is death.

-And I believe we can go on and on because the present never ends along as we have breath in our bodies.

Breathe.  Let Go.  And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. ~ Oprah Winfrey


So, why should we enjoy our present?

#1 The Past is Gone

Any successes and/or failures are behind us.  Don’t get caught up staring behind you, when you need to be moving forward.  We should learn from the past, but that doesn’t mean we should make it a hang out spot.  Many people do and it only leads to future regrets.


#2 The Present is Here

The present is waiting for you to open.  You can receive a gift, but not open it.  Opening the gift of the present means appreciating the moment, friends, family, your job, your house, the food, etc.  We are surrounded by a plethora of blessings.  Take advantage.  Enjoy!  You have a limited time.


#3 The Future Hasn’t Happened

I need to preference the content under this tab by saying, “There is no excuse for not having dreams, plans, goals, and aspirations for your future.”  However, if we are caught staring too far forward we will trip because of our lack of detail for the present.  The future is where we all would like to be because for the most part, we all believe in brighter days.


Remember to enjoy your present.  Every day is a celebration of life.  Don’t find yourself stuck in the past or the future, LIVE TO ENJOY THE PRESENT!


Action: Find a small journal or you can use your phone, iPad, laptop, etc.  Start journaling every day about those things daily you are grateful for in the present.

Question(s): Have you opened your present today?  If so, what does your present look like?  (Please leave a comment below.)

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The Voice of a Child

"Children truly have powerful voices.  As adults, we need to take a step back, listen, and allow them to teach us."


As a School Teacher, each day when I walk into the classroom, I never know what the next adventure will be. Of course, I know the curriculum of the subject matter that I will teach.   My lesson plans and materials are prepared; ready to guide and pace me through my daily activities prior to the arrival of the students.  However, the real adventure begins once the students enter the classroom with their ideas and thoughts to enhance the lesson that is being taught.

Let’s fast forward to present day.  It’s the last day before the Winter Break.  The end of the semester is a time for parties, treats, and gift exchanges.

In my class, a simple lesson of gratitude was discussed with the students the day before the gift exchange.  On the day of, treats were shared and everything was going well until a student shouted, “I don’t want this; I want my own gift back.”  Once that student made that initial comment, a chain reaction occurred and, I heard the other students chiming in, “Yes I like my gift better” than the one they exchanged by way of the fair number system.  Again, we discussed being grateful for whatever gift you may receive.  I thought I would revisit the “being thankful” concept again.  The discussion began in small groups; the students were given a writing assignment, and we concluded with a large group discussion.  I don’t usually teach on the subject of Language Arts, but I found it pretty interesting that they were actually taking the time to really write.  Their assignment was to answer the question “How can we find ways to give instead of just receiving during the Winter Break?”  The adventure continued as the first student shared his writing with the class.  He began with “there is really nothing I want for the holiday but to be with my family.”  He expressed his joy in being with family and having plenty of food, but he only wished he could be with his father.  He burst into tears in front of the rest of his peers.  There was total silence in the classroom as I maneuvered myself to his desk.  I gave him a very big hug and the children began to applaud.

"Children want their voices heard.  Each child is in search of acceptance and a sense of value.  Whoever gives it to them first will likely shape their future."


The adventure exceeded my expectations and the writing assignment allowed for there to be free-flowing learning.  The students went to the depths of their little ten-year-old hearts to share their being thankful thoughts and we were all learning lessons about the importance of gratitude.  The young writers continued to share.  The next student stated that “Nothing can be received without giving something away.  For example, when I give my knowledge to someone who struggles in that spot; they can share their knowledge in the spot that I struggle in.  Plus we can be become friends.”

I stood in awe as they continued to read from their hearts with comments such as: “Things that I am thankful for are my family and belongings.  My family works hard for my items and the least I can do is be thankful.”

It has been said...

 “The soul is healed by being with children.” ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky


“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” ~ Margaret Mead


“Children see magic because they look for it.” ~ Christopher Moore


“It’s the children the world almost breaks who grow up to save it.” ~ Frank Warren


“We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future.” ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt


Action: Stop, listen, and value to the voices of our beautiful children.

Question: When was the last time you learned from a child?  Are you giving back to the next generation?  If so, how?  (Please leave a comment below.)

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Living to Leave a Legacy

"Life isn’t about making one big deposit of goodness, but instead it is about making several small deposits of love, servitude, and acts of kindness in the lives of many."

As you know, the first day of Winter begins December 21st.  Since we are exiting the Fall season, I am moved to reflect one lesson learned this fall.

My father and I were having a conversation about the beautiful nature of God.  During the conversation, we began talking about trees and leaves.  Yes, trees and leaves.

I find it quite fascinating watching the leaves change colors and then falling to the ground from the trees.  I always thought leaves fell from trees because the wind blew them off, but did you know the following about leaves?

- Leaves are organs of vascular plants,

- Leaves don’t fall off; plants or trees shed them off,

- Leaves store food and water, and

- Leaves provide nutrients to the soil where they fall.

I believe this natural phenomenon can teach us a valuable lesson.  What lesson can we learn from leaves?

“We have to live to leave behind a legacy.” 



Our lives are much like a trees.  As we grow, we develop many skills, gifts, and abilities, which become our branches.  These branches then produce several leaves for each branch.  As we continue to grow, we then shed those leaves to make room for new branches and leaves.  If we were a tree, our new branches and leaves would be the new skills and better results we have learned from past seasons.


So, as a tree it is part of nature for it to grow.  Naturally, we should be growing everyday.  But, what happens to the skills that we shed off?

Remember, leaves provide nutrients to the soil where they fall.  If we have grown, at the end of our Fall season we will have to shed those old skills.  Our old skills and productivity will be nutrients and nourishment for the future generations to come.  The recipients of these benefits will include those who have given us the privilege to lead.  Depending on how deep your roots are and how wide your tree has grown, your recipients will range from your children, siblings, co-workers, employers, various organizations, cities, states, countries, and the world.

Just remember, we were created to live to leave behind a legacy for others to do what we have done - Grow and Give.  If we all grow and give, our world will no doubt be a more kind, gentle, caring, and unique environment that accepts the individuality of all persons.

I am going to leave you with this legacy thought which has nourished my tree and leaves for past seasons and will provide nutrients to my children, and I hope to you as well.  On behalf of my Mother — “To Each One, Teach One.”


Action: Develop your gifts.  Everyday, learn something new.  Then, be a teacher.  Not just by words, but speak through the life you live.

Question(s): Are you growing your tree?  What gifts and skills will you leave for generations to come?  How can you grow and give back to our world? (Please leave a comment below.)

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The Value of Time

Time is one of our most valuable possessions.  Please don’t waste it.


Why does it seem that time speeds up when we are doing things we love to do?  On the contrary, why does time drag when we are doing things we don’t enjoy.

We all have experienced this phenomenon.

As a child, I felt as if time slowly dragged as I waited for the highlights of my life to unfold.  Activities and events involving church felt like they lasted forever.

Now as an adult, I feel as if my life is a movie with someone holding the fast forward button down.  More than anything, my children have taught me and are still teaching me the value of time.

Whatever you do, don’t get caught attempting to slow down or speed up time.  Rather, focus on appreciating the value of time.

How do we value our time?

Be A Realist 

The reality is, no one will live forever in these mortal bodies.  And, the next second isn’t promised to us.  Unless you have some form of magical wand, no one is exempt from this next phrase.  “Here today, gone tomorrow.”

“Value today because tomorrow may never come.”


Do those things you need to do, so you can avoid having regrets at the end of your life. 

Be An Optimist

I know this is sort of a paradox, but we must be an optimist along with being a realist.  We should be open to the fact that 24 hours is enough time to accomplish our daily plans and goals.

If we are telling ourselves, “there’s not enough time in a day,” we will to continue make excuses and our daily goals will never be met.

No matter who you are, we all only have 24 hours in a day.  So, let’s take advantage of the time we already have by appreciating each second, minute, hour, and everyday.


Action: Appreciate every moment of every day.  Redeem the time.

Question: What changes can you take to make valuable use of your 24 hours?  (Please leave a comment below.)

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Why We Should Start Everyday With An Open Mind?

"Starting strong will help you end even stronger."

We have all heard, “It’s not about how you start, but how you finish.”  I believe there is some truth to this statement.  But, I believe there’s more to consider about starting and finishing.

A slow start will affect how strong your finish will be and puts you behind in accomplishing your goals of that day.

In a single day, you don’t have time for  slow start because everyday you get the same amount of hours in that day. 

So, starting strong will allow you to finish stronger.

Growing up, I was a shy young man.  One of my uncle’s would say to me, “Open your mouth because a closed mouth cannot be fed.”  I understood what he was telling me and it made sense.  However, not only did it make sense as a child, but as an adult it makes sense if we apply that same logic with our minds.

“A closed mind cannot be fed.”


Whatever you do, don't starve your mind from the success and achievement that it desperately needs.  Here are several reasons why we must start every day with an open mind:

1. Save Time

Starting with an open mind saves us time, which makes us more productive as leaders.  This will keep us from getting behind.

We have enough to do throughout the day, don’t wait until half the day is gone before you decide it’s time to open your mind.

How many times have you avoided doing something you didn’t want to do, but eventually you had to do it anyway.  If you have an open mind, you will go ahead and get it done.

2. Enhance Your Smarts 

No one knows everything.  So, we should be seeking out various opportunities to learn everyday.

Nothing can penetrate a closed mind.  It takes the individual within that mind to break down those walls to give permission for various learning processes to enter the mind.

3. Set Yourself Up For Success

If you are more productive and have increased your knowledge, it puts you in great position to be successful that day


Action: Start every morning with an open mind.  You can do it!  Tell yourself, “Today I will save time, enhance my knowledge, and I will position myself for success.”

Question: What’s stopping you from starting everyday with an open mind?  How fast will you be able to recognize if your mind is closed?  If it is closed, then what do you do?  Where do you start?  (Please leave a comment below.  Join the discussion.)

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Why We Should Invest to Be at Our Best?

Discover balance between your mind and body and watch endless opportunities of growth appear right before your eyes.  We all have heard exercise is good for us, but do we know the benefits of exercise?  Exercise is our way of fueling and maximizing the full potential of our bodies and minds.


Not only am I a life coach, but I am a physical therapist.  You have probably heard other names such as physical torturer, physical terrorist, etc. to describe me and my colleagues.  But at the end of the day, our sole responsibility as physical therapists is to be a “mechanic of the body.”   So, I love studying the human body, which includes the mind.

The mind / body relationship is fascinating.  I believe the human body will do whatever the mind tells it to do.  If we are going to live up to our full potential we must invest in exercising, especially in our stressful world these days.


We are being pulled several different ways.  So, why not let exercise help balance your life out.

Yes, it will take discipline.

“If our bodies are in great shape, we then give permission to our minds to be creative in guiding us through this adventure we call life.”


Hugh Blair said, “Exercise is the chief source of improvement in our faculties.”

What does all this mean?


Exercise has several benefits:

1. Controls weight

2. Fights health conditions / diseases

3. Improves a person’s state of mind

4. Stimulates energy and gives spunk

5. Improves sleep

6. It's FUN!


No matter your profession, we all could benefit from exercise.  The one thing I hear from the many people I talk to concerning exercise is, “I don’t have enough time.”

You have to make time to exercise!

Remember, we are all leaders.  However, before you can lead others, you must lead yourself.

Exercise is for you.  There are no excuses why you should not invest in your own health.  If you don’t invest in yourself, no one else will.  Exercise causes our minds and bodies to be sharp and ready for the various challenges we will face everyday.

You can do it.  Start exercising and invest to be at your best!


Action: If you have been exercising for a while now, continue exercising at least 20-30 minutes everyday 4-5 days a weeks.  If you are a beginner or a first time in a while exerciser, start exercising about 3-4 days out of the week for about 20 minutes.  Then increase your time spent exercising.  There are various exercise programs, but I would suggest everyone 3-4 days a week to participate in some form of cardiovascular activity (walking, running, biking, swimming, dancing, etc.).   Check with your doctor, if you have any health issues or concerns.

Questions: How will you start investing in yourself, by way of exercise?  Will it be dancing?  Or riding bikes with your children?  What’s holding you back?  Is your life worth it?  Join the discussion. (Please leave a comment below.)

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How to Keep Calm and Carry On

Life has a way of throwing you the unexpected.  I’ve learned it’s not what’s thrown at you in life, but how you catch it.


Just about every blog I write will always point to changing one’s mental perspective.  Because I believe perspective is the key to moving forward in life.  If your perspective is right, everything else will be right.

It can be easy to write these words down or to say them, but it’s a challenge to practice what we are talking about in this post.  No matter who you are, what position you may hold, how much money you may have, or your age; having the right perspective will be a challenge because of the many variables of life.

Everyday I have to tell myself, “Today will be a great day.”  In addition, I tell myself, “Regardless of what comes my way today, I will have the right perspective.”  It’s called speaking Positive Affirmations to yourself.

Some day’s I excel at it, but other days I fail.  However, know I’m not afraid of failing because failing pushes me closer to consistent excelling.  You may be wondering, what is my greatest fear.  My greatest fear is never trying or dying with regrets.

I will fail and you will fail.  You will get turned down.  People will leave you.  You will be talked about for having crazy dreams.  Family members will tell you that your dreams are impossible.  You may receive a notice of termination at your job.  You may feel stuck in a position where there is a lack of grow.  We will receive 1000 no’s, but know in the process of receiving the no’s you will be closer to receiving that one YES!

Don’t give up! Just remember, every challenge is begging for an action from you.  What will be your action?

I hope you will practice these two actions that has helped me respond to the unexpected.


#1 Keep Calm

Stop worrying yourself to death about things out of your control.

If you receive any form of rejection for whatever reason, just know that person or that situation wasn’t meant to be.  So, keep calm.  Otherwise, you will drive yourself crazy.

I saw a quote by Lecrae, a clean inspirational rapper, on Facebook just the other day.  He said, “They can’t drive you crazy if you don’t give them the keys.”  We hand the keys of our life to so many people, which breeds fear because we start to live by someone else’s expectations.

Don’t be afraid to be you.  Keep Calm.  Fear not, be weird!


#2 Carry On

After you have found the will to keep calm, now carry on with your life.  It is not the end of the world because you have received rejection.  It is part of the growth process.  Carry on.  Move forward.  Don’t stop or quit.

Some people do just that, stop and wait for another opportunity.  You have to go out and create an opportunity!  Carry on because life goes on.  If you don’t carry on, you will be left behind.


You can do whatever you want to do.  Be who you want to be.  You can achieve any of your dreams.  Just keep calm and carry on.


Action: Think about a phrase you could use as a Positive Affirmation.  Once you find it, write it down.  Then, every morning speak those words before you start every day.

Question: Have you failed at anything?  What is a Positive Affirmation you utilize?    (Please leave a comment below.)


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What We Need Most In Life?

Every human naturally has needs that must be met.  Do you know your need?  Meeting your life's need will permit success in all aspects of your life.

 There have been many theories about what we as humans need most in life.  Through countless personal experiences, discussions with various leaders, and examining human behavior I have found that there is one thing that we need most in life - FAITH.

We all have heard that we can move mountains with the faith of a mustard seed.  Well, this doesn’t just apply to one aspect of our lives.  Every aspect of our lives depends on our faith.

Without faith, we void ourselves of opportunities to progress our very own lives.

If we are looking for success personally and professionally, we must have faith in three things.

#1 Our Creator

#2 Ourselves

#3 Our Relationships

A faithful focus on these three things will allow us to leave a legacy behind.

Let’s face it, if you were to lose everything in life, what would be the only thing left?  What would be the only thing of any value?

The only thing we need in life, FAITH.

We cannot achieve and/or receive what we don't believe.



Action: Believe in yourself and don’t let anyone tell you what you cannot do.

Question: Agree or disagree?  What do you think you need most in life?  (Please leave a comment below.)


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Fear Not

This blog site is to Give Life To Your Dreams (click the link), whether new or already existent.  No matter the dream size, we understand that dreams are the answers and solutions to tomorrow’s questions.  We love to hear from our community.  Enjoy this post written by Margarette Clark, one of the many members of our community of dreamers.


(Guest Post)

Fear Not, Love God

Fear Not, Be Yourself

Fear Not, Love Someone

Fear Not, Challenge Yourself

Fear Not, Have Faith

Fear Not, Be Positive

Fear Not, Use Your Talents

Fear Not, Turn Off the TV

Fear Not, Hug Your Family

Fear Not, Give a Smile

Fear Not, Pay Bills

Fear Not, Have Fun

Fear Not, Save Money

Fear Not, Be Amazing

Fear Not, Be Weird!


Action: Write down those things that may cause you to fear.  Then set up a plan and prepare to tackle those fears.  Preparation is the killer of fear.

Question: What is your “Fear Not” statement.  Example - Fear Not, ____.  (Please leave a comment below.)

Margarette Clark
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Give Your Dreams Life

Everyone has a dream.  Dreams are visions, thoughts, images, and/or emotions waiting to be released as a reality.


You have the necessary resources to make your dream a reality.

So, how do you make your dream a reality?


Dream BIG

First, if your dream isn’t big enough, you may not take it serious.  You may be wondering, why?  Well, if you can accomplish a dream by yourself, it isn’t a dream.

It’s called a personal goal.

A dream takes a team.



The only difference between those who achieve or fail at giving their dream life has to do with one word - Belief.

Is it possible for a person to fail if they believe?  Sure.

But, have you ever seen a person succeed that didn’t believe?  It is a rare occurrence.  Any and every dreamer that has had any success with giving life to dreams knows the importance of believing in the dream.  If the dreamer doesn’t believe, no one will believe.


Set Goals

You need a plan to achieve your dream.

Something will always come up that will attempt to knock your dream off course.  With goals, you will be ready for those unexpected surprises.  Whether you have a plan or not, trust me, the unexpected will happen.  So, set goals.


Make It Happen

Now, action is needed.  Not that you haven’t been acting, but now it is time to give your dream life.  So at this point, there’s nothing to it but to do it.


Lastly, no one can stop anyone else’s dream.  A delayed dream may be a dream sabotaged by the hands of the dreamer.

No one else will do it, so GIVE YOUR DREAMS LIFE!


Action: If you don’t have a dream, figure out what dreams need life.  If you already have a dream, practice these 4 ways to give your dreams life.

Question: Do you have a vision o what your life could look like?  So, what are you waiting on?  (Please leave a comment below.)

MTN Universal
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